Worm Competition 2

Welcome to the Equimax worming past competition.

Click on the picture to get all the answers.

Answer these questions:

Question 1      What is the name of the Virbac wormer highlighted in the “Volta August news “post and what makes this paste stand out ALONE above all other pastes on the market today.?

Question 2     What are the 2 ingredients in this paste?

Question 3      When should you use this paste?

The ” Winner ” will recieve a FREE  Equimax wormer , Virbac showbag and Virbac weight tape

Closes 12pm 15th August

The ” Winner” will be announced on the 16th August

Click on picture"

1 Comment

  1. lalshaven on 30 August 2012 at 11:36 am

    Worming Competition starts again on the 7th September! It’s easy just answer simple questions and you could win a Strategy T wormer , Virbac showbag and Virbac weight tape. So stay tuned and look out for the post Worming Competition 3