Hello and welcome to the July edition on Oaks Volta. The weather has not improved a lot since our last post in June. Volta is very happy because he is now inside most of days and nights. We still let him out for a run on the nice sunny days but there has only been a few of those. But still he loves it, he runs kicks up his heels and squeals like a little filly! Ha Ha. When we walk to his gate of the evening he runs to us with total delight knowing he is being led into a nice dry warm bed with all his friends: LH Beckham, LH King Arthur, LH Brittany, Irish Ace and LH Noah. Everyone has settled in well in the stable block but Volta does seem to be the King of the Block!
With the show jumping shows starting in August Team Joyce will be back on the road competing again. Wes is very busy riding our Performance horses every day to get them ready. So far they are all very happy to be in the stables out of the muddy wet paddocks. They love listening to the radio all day long and enjoy the routine of unrugging, saddling,washing , grooming and then the eating the two well balanced highly nutritional feeds made by Barastoc called Calm Performer mixed with Cool Command & Beet everyday. All our Performance horses are individually treated when it comes to feeding how much and which one or both. We shall highlight this in more depth once the competition season starts so stay tuned if you are interested in types of feeds and why you feed them and when! It all has a purpose as does worming and all very important in producing a healthy happy long lasting competition horse.
Barastoc along with Pakenham Produce & Saddlery Store will have a ” SPECIAL “promotion for the month of September for all Watch Volta Grow followers. Go into the store and say “I read the article in Horse Deals about Watch Volta Grow” and you will be eligible for $3.00 off your bag of Barastoc Breed & Grow . Make sure you stock up and take full advantage of the savings available for you to feed your new youngster arriving this season. All Volta’s results each month have proven this is the best , easiest and most cost effective feeding regime specifically designed for growing foals, weanlings and yearlings.
We re-wormed Volta this month with Equimax Elevation ( covered in the June post ) and he weighed 484kg for the month of July so he was given enough wormer for a 500kg horse which is the correct amount needed to make sure he is well covered in the treatment and prevention of worms. We have the luxury of using the weight tape which can be one of 2 methods used to get a good estimate of his weight. The other method was the Weight Estimation Formula. ( also covered in the June post )
What an interesting month July was for Volta. He has his first experience of wearing a rug or two! We washed him first to make sure his coat was completely clean. The new under cover wash bay works very well. We gave him the special treatment of a rubber curry comb after we applied the shampoo to rub up his thick fur and massage his skin. Yes his top lip curled up he absolutely loved it! He was relaxed and ready to try out his new pyjamas. We decided that because of his height measurement being 15hh and of quite solid build he would fit either a 5″3 or 5″6 rug . I was holding Volta in his stable while Wes slowly introduced the cotton rug by letting him see and smell it. Then Wes gently placed the cotton rug folded in half over his wither first and then opened it over his rump and pulled it forward to sit around his chest. It was sitting on! Then Wes first does up the Right hand side leg strap carefully and slowly not to rub to much on the inside of his leg, have your leg straps a little longer so they are not to firm at first fit. Then go around the FRONT of your youngster not the back and do up the other leg strap. Go back around the FRONT again and do up the chest strap. Then slowly pull up the neck rug and do up the velcro straps.
Never walk around the back while putting on a rug for the first time just in case they get a fright from the rug for some reason and kick out at you! Carefully Wes bent down to do up the two belly straps and they to are not tight” under his belly but not to long that he can get his legs stuck when he rolls.Then we did the same process for the heavy rug. After a short while we let him go free in his stable to think about the rugs and sniff them again and walk around feeling them on his body. He looked happy he rolled and rubbed and sniffed each side and then stood at his door looking at us! Volta is now rugged and very warm and extremely happy! Job well done.

Heavy rug on and one HAPPY VOLTA! This rug fits him perfectly and has good adjustable straps. The shoulder has gussets to allow for more movement. The belly straps help keep the rug from sliding & the neck rug is cut away at the base to take the weight off his withers. Volta's rug size is a 5 foot 6"
Different types of rugs
We prefer the good old fashioned plain cotton blend rugs closest to the horses skin. Not the heavy drill cotton or synthetic cotton because sometimes they are heavy and harsh and tend to rub there fur off and the skin becomes exposed. Cotton breathes well and is very light. It may not last as long but you should still get at least 5 years out of a good quality cotton rug. As for a heavy rug a lined canvas seems to work well in most cases and lasts longest but does not seem warm enough in South Gippslands cold winter weather. We apply a 300gm synthetic heavy ( which is rated of medium warmth ) canvas rug on all our horses as well as a woollen rug. So they have 3 rugs on in the stables in winter. A rugged horse should be checked every day to make sure it is sitting correctly and nothing has broken.
These synthetic rugs, with polyester fill sandwiched between the outer shell and the lining, seem to be very popular in the market today against wool or jute-lined canvas rugs. Both have their strengths, with horse owners sometimes making the call based on each individual horse. The synthetic rugs do not breathe as well as the canvas lined rug.Some owners prefer synthetic because they’re lighter to handle. Others believe they get longer life from a canvas rug, saying they stand up better to the rough and tumble of paddock life for your horse. In a nut shell rugs must meet several crucial requirements for a winter cover. ” They need to be waterproof, windproof, breathable, and able to withstand the rigours of outdoor life.”
Fitting a rug
Rugs that are too small will restrict movement, be uncomfortable, and create bad rubs. Turning a blind eye to rubs can easily result in open sores. Some rugs made of natural fibres and may shrink a little after being wet. A good neck rug will provide a horse with plenty of freedom.Neck rugs do run the risk of rubbing out some of a horse’s mane.Some rugs have gussets to allow more shoulder freedom. Belly straps can also help by holding the cover more firmly in position, so it doesn’t ride back and create pressure points around the shoulder area. The front strap should be adjustable.Tail flaps are designed to give added protection against wind getting in around the back of the cover, which can lift it. Look for additional reinforcing material and heavier or extra stitching on straps and binding.
What weight should the rug be
If you’re not around to deal with covers on a warmer winter day, you might be better choosing a medium-weight cover to help with the really cold spells, but reduce the chance of overheating when it does warm up. Horses are better equipped to stay warm than to stay cool. A good indication of how warm a horse is by how warm their ears are, the ears should be warm from the base to the tip.
Stable rug: 100g=light weight usually 600 denier
Stable rug: 150-200g medium weight 600-800-1000 denier
Stable rug: 350-400-450g heavy weight 600-1680 denier
Paddock rug: 150-200g= medium weight 600-800-1000 denier
Paddock rug: 350/400/450g heavy weight 600-1680 denier
Most horses would need no more than 1000d with 350g of filling to keep them toastie warm living out all the time. This is all just a rough guide and depends on how you keep your horse, whether it is stabled or paddocked and what the weather is like where you live. All rugs are measured from the front of the rug at the chest fittings to the rear of the rug, with the gussets closed.This means if you are measuring your horse for a rug you need to measure from the centre of its chest to a line level with the top of the tail.It is important to take into account the amount of filling a rug has as a thick filling will make the rug slightly tighter than a rug with no filling. For example if your horse takes a 6’0” summer sheet or fleece it may well need a 6’3” paddock rug.
Hoof care
Caring for your horse’s hooves is very important. The hooves should always be cleaned with a hoof pick prior to every ride and also and the end of every ride. If your horse is in a stable you will need to clean their hooves daily whether you are planning to ride or not. This will help to prevent thrush in your horse. If your horse lives in the paddock you will want to check their hooves and clean them at least once a week to be sure no objects have become lodged in your horse’s hoof.The hoof is growing continually and should be trimmed every 6-8 weeks. Some horse’s hooves grow slower, and some grow faster. Horses that will be spending a lot of time on hard surfaces will need shoeing.Shoes will help protect the hoof from too much wear and tear from the hard ground. A horse is never happy when it has sore feet! Some simple care and cleaning of your horse’s hooves should help to keep them healthy and strong! Applying a hoof dressing can improve the moisture content of hooves and help prevent them from cracking. Massaging the hoof dressing on all parts of the hoof including the hoof wall, frog, heel and coronet can stimulate healthy new hoof growth.
It is called Equimax.
- Because Equimax is an all wormer effective on all susceptible equine internal parasites including all three species of tapeworm and all three species of bots
- Equimax is safe to use on all horses including foals,pregnant mares and breeding stallions
- Equimax is palatable oatmeal flavoured paste
- Equimax is developed and made in Australia
” Only wormer on the market that treats horses to 700kg ” Most horse owners underestimate their horse’s weight by as much as 20%. Underdosing due to underestimating weight can leave horse unprotected against worm related disease and may lead to resistance. Equimax’s 700kg size will treat 99% of Australian horses in a single tube.We do not all have the luxury of owning a pair of weighing scales so the next best thing is the weight tape or by using the Weight Estimation Formula.
Stay tuned to enter Equimax worming competition early August!

We do not all have the luxury of owing our own set of scales so second best is the weight tape or by using the Weight Estimation Formula
Equimax worming paste has the combination of abamectin and praziquantel which provides a broad-spectrum anti-parasiticide for total control of all susceptible equine worms, bots, lungworms, intestinal threadworms, tapeworms and skin parasites (summer sores and neck threadworms).To maintain good health and vitality while also reducing the risk of illness you should have your horse on an appropriate worming routine. Parasites of major concern are small redworms, tapeworms and ascarids. ( We discussed Ascarids in the June Post ) All three types of these worms have been shown to cause significant disease including colic, diarrhoea and even death. Small redworms (small strongyles) are capable of damaging a horse’s gut to the extent of creating chronic diarrhoea and, in some cases, death due to fluid and protein loss. Tapeworms have been associated with an increased risk of spasmodic colic and have been implicated as the cause of surgical colic. Many other worms, along with bots, also affect horses and if left untreated can lead to poor growth, weight loss, a dull coat, anaemia, skin irritation and diarrhoea. Regular worming with Equimax will significantly reduce the risk of disease and colic attributable to worms and help to maintain the health and well being of your horse.
Where there are large numbers of horses kept close together and/or horses are frequently moving on and off a property, there will be a greater need for worm control. Horses in these situations, generally on studs or agistment properties, will need to be wormed every six to eight weeks. It may be possible, where there are low stocking numbers, to worm horses less often. The use of paddock management procedures like manure removal, paddock rotation and grazing with other species will also help lower contamination. All horses should be wormed at least once every 3 months regardless of the conditions in which they are kept. All horses on a property should be wormed at the same time. New horses should be quarantined and wormed before coming onto the property. If you are unsure about what drenching interval is right for your situation it is advised to ask your local vet. In a nut shell the average horse owner of 1-2 horse’s/pony’s should worm them every 3 months and rotate your wormer.
Keep a proper record without guessing every time of the date you wormed your horse/pony in your Rider’s Diary. It is very easy to keep up to date records of all your horse/pony’s health by writting them in the Riders Diary. You could also ” WIN “one by having a guess of Volta’s weight each month.

Binder $29.95 Re-fill tabs Health (hoof, vet, diet, worming & teeth) 20 pages - $9.95
Volta will be re-wormed on the just before the 1st September with Equimax Elevation. We shall measure him first to determine the correct dosage required. Volta weighed 484kg for the month of July so Team Joyce set the Equimax Elevation paste at enough for a 500kg horse. Giving just a little bit more in case some fell out on the ground after we squirted down his mouth.
It is recommended to practise rotation of wormers to help prevent or slow the development of resistance. In basic terms you do not want your horse/pony’s system to become used to the wormer, otherwise it will stop working. Wormer’s should be rotated yearly with one active being used for an entire year and then switching to a different active for the next year. Strategy-T and Equimax contain completely different actives so make excellent rotation partners. During a Strategy-T year, Equimax needs to be included twice, as Strategy-T does not treat bots. Bots must be treated at the end of autumn and the beginning of spring. ( We shall cover Strategy-T next month. )
Parasite Puzzle 3
Parasite Puzzle 4- BOTS
Parasite Puzzle 5- ASCARIDS
Stay tuned to enter Equimax worming competition early August!
What does Volta LIKE?
Barastoc Breed & Grow, Ker Equi-Jewel, Horse block, kick and squeal in his paddock,loves attention and meeting people.
What does Volta DISLIKE?
Being rubbed behind his ears, bot flies, mud & rain.
CLICK LIKE on Volta’s Facebook page
Read up on ” DOD “, do you know what Developmental Orthopaedic Disease is?
At 18 months old, Volta is now coming to the end of the period of growth where he is most susceptible to growth abnormalities known as ‘developmental orthopaedic diseases’ or DOD. DOD is an umbrella term for various growth conditions such as osteochondrosis and physitis, of which a significant contributing factor is rapid growth and excess body condition.
Although there are many variables that contribute to DOD, the risk of growth abnormalities developing can be decreased through monitoring growth rates and providing the growing horse with a balanced diet. With Volta, this was achieved through regular weighing and measuring to ensure growth was not occurring too quickly, and meeting all his nutrient requirements in a balanced way through feeding Barastoc Breed N Grow at the recommended daily level.
Regular weighing of growing horses allows their feeding intake to be altered depending on their growth rate and body condition. Now that Volta is through the critical period of growth, I have recommended decreasing his intake of Breed N Grow to 3kgs daily. Because he is at an ideal weight for his age and is in excellent body condition, I have also recommended taking out the KER Equi-Jewel from his diet, however this could be reintroduced if Volta’s body condition began to drop over the winter months. As Volta is now being stabled most of the time, he will require at least 6kgs of hay at a constant rate to ensure he is consuming the required level of forage daily.
For more information on growing horses and the prevention of DOD, contact Kentucky Equine Research.
Luisa Wood
Nutrition Advisor
Kentucky Equine Research (Australasia) Pty Ltd
Worming Competition starts 7th August!