Xmas with Volta and Joyce’s

What a fabulous Christmas Team Joyce have had with family and friends. Oaks Volta was also included in the festivities as well. Team Joyce placed a special fancy rug on him decorated with tinsel and he wore a set of reindeer ears over his poll. We were very pleased to say Volta was not fussed at all about all the hype, he loved the Santa sack that Sarah was holding onto.

Team Joyce hope you all had a wonderful Christmas where ever you were and ate far to much and needed a good sleep.

Enjoy some pictures!


Read the latest blog on Equestrian Life Online from the year it was


1 Comment

  1. Izzy on 5 January 2014 at 3:17 am

    It is great to see you guys getting into the spirit of Christmas and also as always great artical as well Trish. See you guys at Boneo Park Thursday.
