Volta teeth

From the horses first day of a horse’s life, development in all aspects of their body takes off at a very fast rate. Teeth are no exception. Horses have baby teeth just as we do (Incisor or front teeth & molars or rear teeth).


Between 2 ½ and 4 ½ years of age, horses will naturally grow 24 temporary baby teeth, as they mature  permanent teeth will develop and  push through the gums forcing the temporary baby teeth from the gums. The majority of horses will grow 20 of the 24 milk teeth in a short period of 12-15 months, between 2 ½ yrs of age, to 3 yrs and 10 months. While this is happening, the young horse will also be developing, and then cutting another 12 permanent molars at the rear of his mouth between 1 to 3 yrs. Wolf teeth can appear between 6 months up to 2 yrs of age and canines in geldings and stallions around 4 yrs of age.


At 5 yrs of age, a horse is considered to have developed a  mature mouth consisting of 36 teeth ( 12 incisors and 24 molars).


In summary: before birth to 4 ½ yrs, geldings and stallions will develop and cut 64 teeth to leave a mature mouth of 40 teeth and a mare will develop and cut 60 teeth to leave a mature mouth of 36 teeth.

The majority of dental activity , change and growth occurs between ages 2 ½ to 3 yrs and 10 months.


Horses can not talk!!! However, out of character behaviour while your horse is eating or being ridden during these above ages, may be an attempt from your horse to communicate some difficulties he may be having due to the enormous amount of dental changes that maybe occurring.

Deciduous (Baby Teeth)

1st incisors (centrals) – Birth or 1st week

2nd incisors (intermediates) – 4-6 weeks

3rd incisors (corners) – 6-9 months

1st, 2nd, & 3rd premolars (cheek teeth) – Birth or first 2 weeks for all premolars

Permanent (Adult Teeth)

1st incisors (centrals) – 2 1/2 years

2nd incisors (intermediates) – 3 1/2 years

3rd incisors (corners) – 4 1/2 years

Canines (bridle) – 4-5 years

Wolf teeth (1st premolars) – 5-6 months

2nd premolars (1st cheek teeth) – 2 1/2 years

3rd premolars (2nd cheek teeth) – 3 years

4th premolars (3rd cheek teeth) – 4 years

1st molars (4th cheek teeth) – 9-12 months

2nd molars (5th cheek teeth) – 2 years

3rd molars (6th cheek teeth) – 3 1/2 – 4 years



Wolf teeth are very small teeth located in front of the second premolar. They rarely appear in the lower jaw. A horse may have one to four, or no wolf teeth. By the time a horse is six years old, he will have a full set permanent teeth.

Pictures below are of Volta’s teeth March 24th , he is now 15 months old. Very interestingly we noticed Oaks Volta has lost one of his milk teeth.

Milk Teeth


Side view showing he has lost one tooth on top


left side milk teeth


On May 1st we shall up load new footage and pictures , why not have a guess what his weight will be by the 1st May to win great prizes.
