Team Joyce ventured off to Randall Park located in Warragul for a weekend full of Dressage fun. To our amazement our Lals Haven Performance horses LH Albert and LH Lily Puss achieved not one but ‘ Two Jackpot winners’. The weather leading up to the weekend did not lend kindly to being able to prepare easily. Sarah & I did not want to get to saturated while riding but sadly on Friday Sarah was drenched she got caught in that onslaught of hail ! I was luckier becasue I chose to ride very early every morning as surprisingly it was less windy with no rain. I did not want to get wet at all becasue I am now a proud owner of a brand new Anky dressage saddle. Yep I have never owned such a grand prize. It fits Lil Star like a glove and boy is it comfy. The leather is so soft it makes you sink in relax and enjoy the ride. I am in debt to Horseland forever for this beauty. If you are on the hunt for a dressage saddle I highly recommend trying the Anky brand out.
- Randall Park early morning
- My new Anky Dressage saddle from Horsleand
- My new Anky Dressage saddle from Horsleand
Level 4 & 5 riders rode on Saturday and Level ADV- 1 , 2 & 3 came on the Sunday so we drove back forth both days. Lil Star and I are Level 4 and were on at 9.30am riding the 4.2 test – 4.4 test was at 11.30am. There are quite a few nice obliging horses so it could be anyone’s lucky day. Lil was truly fabulous and that is probably an understatement. I have my Wesley to thank for her willingness . She was so simple to ride’ he hops on her for me at home occasionally and the next day I hop back on she is straight supple relaxed and happy. All I seem to do is sit smile and have a hoot of a time. Sarah kindly took video for me and Wesley called my tests so its undoubtedly a family support team ! I have loaded one of our tests here for you to see, yes its so simple basic and many would say how easy is that’. For me its a massive achievement’ and the thrill I get is far to large to explain. Many riders I chat to express how much they to enjoy themselves just wanting to get out and have a go. The second test was also wonderful, Lil did not put a hoof wrong. We were the lucky ones today of both tests and became one of the two Jackpot winners for Team Joyce. Randall Park awarded us so well with 2 buckets of carrots , Pakenham Produce and Saddlery $50 voucher plus saddle blanket . I am looking forward to buying Lily a special present with that ! We will attempt Level 3 next time so I shall let you know how we go. Lil has won 2 Level 5 and Level 4 Jackpot’s now , so trying the next level will be another experience. We have been in partnership for 14 months , the next 14 are sure to be fun.
- Lil & I waiting and staying warm
- Both tests went great
- My Wesley helping me enjoy my day
- Just a perfect mare Lil star
- A massive kiss to say thank you
- One of Two Jackpot winners and prizes to share with Lil Star

Lily is a star
Sarah was up again at 5.35am today but it was to be her turn to ride with Wes & I strapping. LH Albert warmed up nicely , the sun shone barely through all the fog but once it lifted the blue skies looked very appealing.
- Sarah brushing her long hair
- Sarah and her dad Wes
- Ready to ride
- In the warm up arena
Here is a quick bit of Sarah warming up Albi
I attempted to call the Level 1.2 test boy there is so much to say. At one stage she had done the movement as I was a tad slow ! The pair flowed through the actions , they are so kind on the eye to watch its very enjoyable. Wes videoed for the very first time so we set the zoom on one setting hence why sometimes she is a little close to the camera. But for some one who wishes to take no part in mobile phones he did well to execute this process lol. The second test 1.4 was a bit harder she said and this was a first time for them both. The counter canter on a small circle was quite tough but it was achieved. Sarah & Albi were absolutely worn out she said it was definitely a work out for them both. To our surprise LH Albert had won both his tests and the Jackpot as well !
Team Joyce felt chuffed to go home with Two Jackpot winners – LH Albert & LH Lily Puss
Here is the video Wesley took of Sarah & LH Albert
- Delighted with their efforts
- Kisses all-round well eanrt
- Mum was so stoked for her girl
- What a wonderful combination
- Jackpot winners Sarah and Albi