Well what a way to end the season for Team Joyce. I have the pleasure of quickly writing to sum up this years Australian Jumping Championships held at Boneo Park. As many of you know we have traveled quite a lot this year with our main man Oaks Volta exposing him to as much atmosphere as we could.We spent over 3 months on the road in QLD ,NSW & VIC.
Travel has been exactly what Oaks Volta needed
There were many highs and lows but Wes persisted to get things right. Volta’s feet are immaculate , his body in great fit condition and most importantly his mind is focused. Wes is such a talented horseman using many of his own techniques conquering the challenges involved in producing a young performance horse.
Volta returned from each road trip in top condition
If I take the time to sit back and think about how many horses he has produced to a very high level it astounds me. Far to many to count. All with different personalities needing a certain method to get the very best out of them. Wes has endured a few falls got back up and soldiered on. His determination is remarkable.
Wes’s determination is what drives him to produce so many great horses
Wes’s latest project is his 4yo stallion Cera Ducati. Sire Diamant de Semilly / Askari. He possesses such top quality bloodlines and is already proving to be a very clever careful showjumper for the future. We are very keen to see how he matures, going by his first few shows he will be a very handy performance horse on the Team Joyce truck. Here is a picture of him jumping in the Pearl Series.

In the first Future Stars qualifier on the Wednesday morning Volta placed a credible 6th out of 53. Jumped 2 very clean rounds. Wes said he felt great, real loose and keen to jump. Looking forward to the next qualifier tomorrow. They had 1 rail in the Speed ending up 24th. When you combined the two results they were sitting 9th going into the final round on Saturday.
6th place in first qualifier

Time to shine
The pinnacle result has to be achieving 2nd place Pryde’s Easifeed Australian Jumping Championships Keirnan Plant Hire Future Stars. Team Joyce are still on a high. Who knows how long it will take for us to get back to earth. Really does not matter ‘ these are the times we must reflect on and keep the fire in the belly for the not so high times.
There were 53 starters in the two qualifiers. Only 25 made the Final class on the Saturday and Volta drew number 17. Only 7 combinations jumped clear in the first round. Gavin the course builder set some fences to 1.50m in the jump off. To our amazement only 2 achieved another clean round and Wes being one of those awarded as the 2nd best Australian Jumping Championships Future Stars winner.
We have never had a horse that jumps so many clear rounds. Oaks Volta is a super star !
Team Joyce believe this is the whole aim in the sport of Showjumping 🙂
Oh and I have to say the comments of Tim Dreverman at the end of the round made me feel very chuffed ‘ thank you so much, I do try and capture as much as I can in the world of showjumping alongside Team Joyce. We are so grateful to all our supporters who keep us going riding all the ups and downs with us. I did not hear on the day as I was celebrating with Sarah ring side waiting for our champions to come out of the ring.
Enjoy the videos below to replay the wonderful moments
Team Joyce believe this is the whole aim in the sport of Showjumping
Team Joyce are thrilled to bits. Sarah and Volta’s daughter LH Veruca 5th Ivory Final Australian Jumping Championships. To think Sarah has only jumped her once at Lever Equestrian Freshmans. Wes started this mare in September. Veruca is very similar to her dad in so many ways. This pair also made the Pearl Series Final as well having 1 rail in the first round finishing up 18th.
Photo credit One Eyed Photography
In the Pearl Final

Off for some more fun Wes is always helping

‘ A family who walk together stay together ‘
Thank you Brooke Campbell who took this special photograph from the top of her horse of Wes and I walking Tiffany back from the arena watching Sarah jump. It was just before we said our good byes. Tiffany is now living in NZ. We are ok to let go ‘ & wish our adorable young lady success in her goals and have always encouraged them to reach the stars and stop at nothing. Life is here for the taking grab it while you can. Time stops for nobody be adventurous take that gamble or you will never know if it was successful. You can always come home we will always be here to support you in every endeavour you choose.

Team Joyce have made the best life time memories at events together.
Time passing by cannot take that away from us
It has been and will always be remembered in the future

Sharlene ‘ One Eyed Photography ‘
This photo is also a moment in time I will cherish’ the last time for a long time Team Joyce will be together doing what we have always loved as a family ‘ Horsin Around ‘
Enjoy listeneing to Wes sum up his Australian Jumping Championships