The walk way out of indoor arena at Boneo Park, just beautiful!
Red Hill show was held at Boneo Park for the third year running and all I can say is “WOW”!. Boneo Park would have to be one of the nicest well established Equine centres being constructed.

Wes walking to the round yard

View inside in one of the competitors stable block

Warm up for Ring 1

The metal yards

The Indoor arena
Team Joyce travelled to Boneo Park for the first time and we were so delighted with what we saw. The Red Hill Agricultural show has been held at Boneo Park for the last 2 years and we can see why they keep on going back. Honestly this equine facility is just fantastic! The property is privately owned and offers agistment with first class facilities. They have many large outdoor riding areas and sanded arenas. The indoor arena has 4 large mirrors as well so one can easily see themselves . The stables for the agisters are set in a compact area and have the wash bay, tack/tie up area all within the same spot. They provide your own lockable tack box and even a washing machine! Red Hill really have picked a wonderful place to hold there show each year because the competitors are also offered first class facilities with plenty of power, water parking and either under cover stables or very strong metal yards. Each truck or float can be parked on a mowed grass area with your very own tap and power plug!

Parking area for tied up horses

Here is a picture of a very good friend of Team Joyce, Michelle Wareing and Jet, they had just jumped in the Maiden D. Jet is showing great potential and Michelle does enjoy riding him very much.
Wesley and LH King Arthur were first entered in the Open 1.20m A2 class. They jumped a clean round but not quick enough for the first four placing’s.

Wes holding LH King Arthur before his class
The next class was the 1.30m Open and the pair had 2 rails down , Wes was very pleased with this results as this was only the second attempt at 1.30m ever for LH King Arthur.

Wes and LH King Arthur in the 1.20m

The wash bay for competitors, here is Wes bandaging King Arthur after his wash down
On the Sunday Red Hill have 2 rings running, the indoor arena has another course set up starting at 70cm and there were a lot of riders competing in this ring. The warm up area for the indoor was right out the side, so easy to get to and very spacious.

the outdoor arena for dressage comps or warm up arena for jumping

The indoor arena with the Ring 2 jump course
Team Joyce waited for the 1.40m Open class, and this was a very first for LH King Arthur. He has 9 points in D Grade EA, so he is technically a baby but Team Joyce started him later in life because he was growing so big and slow, he is a 7 year old turning 8 this August and is now big ,strong and ready to jump bigger courses. Wes wanted to see how he would cope with the widths and heights. Arthur went super”, he had only 3 rails and they were soft rails ,he was just getting a little to deep to those fences but he stayed focused and happy drawing into each fence they approached. Height and width do not seem to be an issue for King Arthur, its a matter of doing more and getting his canter together to make the distances more correct. LH King Arthur placed 6th Team Joyce were stoked!!

Wes jumping King Arthur in the 1.40m

The agisters stable block

Zoe Dennis with Duck, in the tie/tack up area. Zoe has been at Boneo for 5 years and loves all the facilities and would not go any where else!

The beautiful grassed area inside the square agisters stables

While I was walking around I met Deb Hodgson riding her youngster Belvas Shaniah in the indoor
Red Hill show was brilliant in everyway, Team Joyce highly recommend you put it on your calendar for next year!
Full results of all competitors:
Great story, Pics & Clips as always and well done.
Thank you Izzy!