Team Joyce competed at Mt Gambier over Easter . Wes , Milly and I left home at 4.30pm wanting to stop under the Stud Road over pass at 6.30pm to pick up Tiffany and Jordan. Tiffany had University until 4pm hence why we left late Thursday afternoon with LH Beckham and LH Brittany on board. The nights travel was tough because of all the heavy traffic through Melbourne and over the Westgate Bridge. Eventually once passed Werribee the road cleared up. We arrived at Mt Gambier around 12.oopm and made our yards. On the Friday morning Tiffany and LH Brittany attempted the Young Rider with the first round set at a strong 1.30m and they jumped a very nice clean round but did not make the final placings. Wes did not get a start today as they cancelled the rest of the day due to the terrible wind and rain coming across. The organisers of the event decided to start early the next morning to try and get through all the classes. The C & D Grade on Saturday was placed with the Friday class not run so they put all the prize money together and ended up with 60 riders. Wes and LH Beckham did a cracking jump off finishing with a time of 38 seconds”. There were 15 riders that made the jump off all jumping clean in the first round. Wes was awarded a lovely grey embroidered jacket for his first place prize many Thanks to the organisers as this was a very nice prize to be given.

Wes and Tiffany standing beside one of the super special looking butterfly jumps made by John Wiltshire and Gary Baxter course designer smiling in the background on the left.

King strapper Jordan, Thanks for being so reliable and supporting Team Joyce always holding Milly or LH Brittany