Sarah and I rode in the Koo Wee Rup HRCAV Summer show today. It was a mid week trial to see if running an event during the week would be viable. Well after crunching the numbers today ‘yes it was a great idea. It is the first mid week show we have been to and it was run very well. The riding club members were so friendly helpful and made you feel welcome on arrival.
We practised at home for the pairs class…..that was our goal but there is more to tell

We won the pairs at the mid week show
Sarah took LH Albert in Level 2 but her Rider is Level 1 and I rode LH Lily Puss in Level 4 with the Rider in Level 3 . The shock was when we noticed there were three lots of Level 3 & 4 riders in each class. So about 30 combinations meaning to have chances of 1 in 4 was going to be a tough one.
So the first event of the day was Smartest on Parade ‘ we were in round and out. Good warm up for Ridden Mount – again in round out. Then the HRCAV Rider classes and Lil was picked first to line up. My heart was thumping far to fast and pounding out of my chest. This is where we all hope to be standing , – sure but when you actually get there ones nerves can run riot. Mine did !! We ended up with a 3rd place, extremely happy with our white ribbon. The other two riders were much better they worked out with ease and looked very even while Lil and I broke in the extended trot and did not come back so smooth from it either. We have lots to work at yet

Coming out after the rider class with a 3rd
Hang tight the best is still to come’……..
Sarah and Albert were in their element for the HRCAV Most Suitable Mount becasue they placed 1st in the Level 2 section and then took out the Champion as well for all levels !! This event is where you jump a showjump as well as a flat workout.It suited them both to the ground. Horses for courses they say’ our horses are not the real showie type’ they are just ordinary nice horses like many others. The showies looked the part from head to toe’ some of the riders looked amazing all dressed up in their club colors . So many stunning horses completed the work outs with us thinking “WOW” very deserving of all the accolades achieved.

Albi and Sarah with their ribbons

Selfie time with our champions
I had an absolute ball today – this world of HRCAV is definitely a fun one to be around. My day was made extra special becasue I spent it with Sarah , Josh, Albert and Lily !!!

Josh Sarah and I