Just Wes & I woke in the dark to load Oaks Volta for the 2 hour drive to Maffra. Oaks Volta did not disappoint today actually he performed well above our expectations. It was not planned lets try , are the words Wes said after jumping the jump off followed by , “Lets do a late entry for the Open 1.40m Championship “. Only 6 years of age how will he go?
Not planned lets try…….
Walking over to the arena lets try
Wes felt after Volta’s response to the Open 1.25m Championship we should give it a try. My stomach sank this was not what I had planned at all. Wes really shocks me still today, after 29 years you would think I would know but nope sometimes I have no idea at all. Admittedly Volta’s efforts in the 1.25m were fabulous he has a huge amount of energy.
Wes has never ridden a horse with such power and energy
click to enlarge pictures
- Saluting the judge
- Looking keen as lets try
- Action shot
Their first class was the Open 1.25m Championship. They were number 28 out of 66 combinations. When Wes first rode into the arena Oaks Volta gorked at the signs ring side’ as they were flapping in the wind. Wes worked very hard to get him to canter passed them trying to take his mind off them and concentrate on the showjumps. After jumping number 3 Volta looked much more relaxed giving each fence plenty of air.
Have a look for yourself first round
Jump off

Both have massive smiles
The lovely office lady Fiona Brennan took our late entry. We had a 45 min wait , we took Oaks Volta back to the truck for a rest. The picture below shows the two of them patiently waiting.
Wes thinking to himself its not planned lets try
They drew number 29 last in the draw. Volta warmed up very well. At fence 4 the water tray – Wes approached with impulsion he made the error of chasing him a little more to fence 5 an oxer taking the back rail. He felt bad doing that’ his pace was fine if left alone maybe Volta could have cleared it.
Anyway that’s showjumping one mistake can be a four fault round.
From jump 6 onwards Oaks Volta got higher and jumped better. Wes loved every bit of it. Back at the truck we sponged and towel dried our champion. The ice boots went on with loads of pats and hugs.
” What a ride – what a horse ,’ Wes said. I cant wait to do that again
- so neat and tidy
- Oaks Volta already Grand Prix at 6 years
View the 1.40m round below

Oaks Volta with his game face on
3 contributing factors help Wes to succeed….
I need to touch on 3 contributing factors Wesley asked me to mention that he thinks can make an impact on yourself as a rider and your horse feeling 10 foot tall and bullet proof !
- Very comfortable well fitted saddle for your horse , Wes rides in a Amerigo Vega Mono. This type of saddle is perfect for Oaks Volta who has very broad shoulders. We found it very difficult to find the right saddle it took us over 18 months but with the help support of Adrian & Pam from Horsleand we can confidently say this is a perfect fit and we highly recommend the Amerigo brand.
- We also sourced the ultimate mens tall black riding boot. Wes loves his Tredstep ‘Donatello boots. Why’, the snug fit and special soles that grab tightly in the stirrups.
- Feed – Wes gives Oaks Volta Barastoc Cool Command & Groom. He wants Volta to feel 10 feet tall and bullet proof on every showjumping course he attempts.
Thank you for following Team Joyce stay tuned for more news. It is sure to be an interesting journey. Happy birthday oaks Volta turning 6 years today !!