Hello, and welcome to a new idea for all our readers. Team Joyce have decided to do a few blogs on feed amounts, types and benefits. So many horsey owners have a certain type of regime they are comfortable with and have used forever. But may we ask, does it work properly? Is your horse/pony getting the best balanced diet to be able to cope with what you ask of them in your riding and to feel their very best? Do you really know what amounts you are feeding? Do you know what your horse roughly weighs? Lets not forget the cost of feed is so very expensive why not make sure you are getting your dollars worth and not wasting money!
Lets start at the beginning.
Why not fill out a Barastoc Analysis Chart, Team Joyce have filled one out for each of our Performance horses and asked the professionals for the correct advice on what they should be receiving each day in relation to their individuality. Luisa Wood the Nutrition Advisor from Kentucky Equine Research (Australasia) Pty Ltd, 7/35 Dunlop Rd, MULGRAVE VIC 3170, Ph. (03) 8562 7000 has responded with exactly what they should be getting on a daily basis and why! Team Joyce will post each horses results we do for you all to read and hopefully this will encourage you to have a go and send in your horses details and ask all the questions to make sure your horse is getting the very best!
Why do we do this, well because it is good practise and will bring great results in what ever discipline of riding you enjoy doing.
Lets not forget the cost of feed is so very expensive why not make sure you are getting your dollars worth and not wasting money!
How old are they? Breed type? Its a good idea to know their weight and you can roughly determine this by using a weight tape. How high is your horse/pony? Then you need to work out how many kilograms your feed scoop holds. Then work out exactly how much you hard feed your horse daily including hay. Then ask yourself how much riding they get? Are they a good doer or poor doer? Do you feed additives and how much?

Barastoc Calm Performer pellets showing 1 scoop = 1.3kg
Lets not forget the cost of feed is so very expensive why not make sure you are getting your dollars worth and not wasting money!Team Joyce have fully outlined below a copy of our chart we sent in and all the details Luisa sent back to us. Enjoy the reading!
Please click on the link below to open your very own chart and save it to your desktop! You can then edit the chart and save your results as you go and once finished email it to Luisa Wood! ( lwood@ker.com)or phone Luisa (03) 8562 7000
So easy and so rewarding”………………………read about LH King Arthurs results below!
Online Diet Analysis Request 1Form
Team Joyce quickly and very easily filled out a Barastoc Online Diet Analysis Chart ( Online Diet Analysis Request 1Form ) to show exactly what amounts of hay and Barastoc branded feed he was consuming daily, along with his supplements .
Here is a copy of the chart Team Joyce sent in about LH King Arthur!
Luisa Wood from Kentucky Equine Research ( KER ) sent back a very simple informative write up of exactly what LH King Arthur needed to ensure he was receiving a balanced diet of vitamins and minerals. It also gave us valuable information as to WHY we needed to add extra product and WHAT the outcome should be. Team Joyce have always taken each horses dietary requirements very seriously because if we want our horses to perform at their very best at every competition we as owners need to make sure we are giving them every opportunity to look and feel in top condition all the time wether they are spelling or in full work. The dietary requirements do need to change so they suit what you as an individual rider are asking of your horse at the time, even the weather changing from cold to hot means you will need to supply them with extra or less amounts of certain supplements. It is so easy for us as passionate equine enthusiasts to make contact with the experts like Luisa Wood who offer you free advice and want to make sure you understand your feeding regime. Lets not forget the cost of feed is so very expensive why not make sure you are getting your dollars worth and not wasting money!
Of course please ensure all suggested diets are treated as guides and altered depending on the horse’s individual body condition and workload.
Here are the results Luisa Wood sent Team Joyce
Recommendations for LH King Arthur from Luisa Wood
– All horses require at least 1.5% of their body weight in forage daily at a relatively constant rate and the forage in LH King Arthur’s diet is ideal.
– It is important to always feed by weight rather than volume, and remember that a scoop of one feed will not necessarily weigh the same as a scoop of another . Usually a scoop of a pelleted feed such as Calm Performer will be heavier than a scoop of a muesli feed such as Cool Command. Always be sure to know exactly how much a scoop of each feed in your horse’s diet weighs.
– To avoid digestive upset it is best to feed no more than 2.5kgs of concentrate per meal. Therefore, if he is receiving this much Calm Performer and Cool Command, LH King Arthur will require 3 feeds per day.
– When analysed, LH King Arthur’s diet was well balanced and meeting requirements for all nutrients except for vitamin E. In order to correct this deficiency and provide a great source of slow release energy, I have recommended including some amount of Equi-Jewel in his diet, and decreasing the amount of Calm Performer fed daily. Equi-Jewel is a stabilized rice bran conditioning supplement that is fortified with vitamin E and is a great source of low starch, high fat energy that is ideal for managing weight and providing slow release energy for work.
– The electrolyte supplement he is receiving on hot days is great, however I would also recommend he receives plain salt daily. A plain white or pinky salt block in his stable is ideal, or alternatively 30g of table or rock salt added to feeds is ideal. KER Restore is a great electrolyte for when he works, as it has been formulated to mimic the composition of horse’s sweat.
Below is the chart Luisa sent showing the amounts of feed LH King Arthur is receiving each day .
Below is a graph proving that all the amounts of feed Arthur is receiving is correctly balanced. And the acceptable ranges prove all the elements also reach the acceptable marker on the left of the graph. This is what you need to achieve to make sure all the vitamins and minerals are well balanced.
Please click on the link below to start your open your very own chart and save it to your desktop! You can then edit the chart and save your results and once finished email it to Luisa Wood! (lwood@ker.com ) or call Luisa(03) 8562 7000
It is so easy and so rewarding and its ” FREE “………………………Hope you enjoyed reading all about LH King Arthur!
Next time we shall cover a young horse just coming into the stable in rough paddock condition.
Online Diet Analysis Request 1Form