Team Joyce had a very busy weekend horsin around of a different kind. It was just the three of us this time being Sarah Tiffany and myself volunteering Saturday running the Barastoc Local ring at the Korumburra Agricultural Show. Barastoc went above and beyond because they were already committed to the massive event ‘Barastoc Horse of Year Show at Werribbe Park’ and were still pleased to support the Agi show as well. Its a blessing when sponsors come on board at any event as we all know to well how hard it is to get them and keep them and inspire them to repeat the year after. It all comes at a cost nothing is for free ‘sponsors need return for donations , advertising for them is one way but that’s not enough. They need you to support them to keep them in business no matter what they specialise in. This is how the businesses are able to stay functioning as they need your loyalty.
Barastoc donated bags of feed for every Champion/ Reserve Champion plus show bags full of great items and a woollen rug for the Supreme Show Hunter of the show. Thank you for expressing your gratefulness by writing on their Facebook page as this is a visual concept which makes the message of appreciation very clear. Once the rug was presented a lovely rider from that class took the time to approach me and pass on my thanks to Barastoc it was so lovely, Thank you Leanne’ .
The sun shone all day blue skies made photography easy to capture the perfect shot. We dressed up the arena to make sure competitors knew exactly which ring was the Barastoc Local Ring. Smiles were in abundance becasue everyone left with ribbons’ showbags and Barastoc feed. No body missed out and that’s exactly what we set out to achieve. Here are some pictures of how grand the day was

Team Joyce
- Start of the day
- Great to catch up with Graegill Show Pnies Team Thorpe/ Heal – Amberley and lil Marley
- Taylor Laws and her mum place 4th Barastoc Local Rider under 10 years
- Chloe Stewart and Lisa Browning proud placegetters
- Chelsea Dalton a very happy winner’ Barastoc Local ridden Pony
- Tiffany and Sarah having a lunch break
- Winner Chelsea on Topaz and 2nd James Parkes on Pippi
- Winner Yvette Stewart Barastoc Local Best Presented
- Great group picture of many happy Barastoc riders
- Team Joyce having fun in the sun
- Mother and daughter team winners of the Barastoc Local Pairs Hack / Yvette & Chloe Stewart
- Brielle Cox on Oliver Barastoc Champion Local Rider 13yrs under 16yrs
On Sunday I returned with LH Lily Puss to compete in the HRCAV ring. I must say the HRCAV ring is very well received , in Level 4 there would have been at least 10-15 riders in each class. Ribbons went to 4th place so when Lil star achieved a 2nd, 3rd and two 4th’s the smiles were wide and real. I felt lucky very lucky to be obtaining a ribbon. That thin felt piece wrapped on my arm or tied around her neck raised the hairs up my neck I was stoked with excitement. We had a wonderful day out having a massive amount of fun like many others.
- Practising for led’ its all in the grass
- Tiffany and I selfie time over Lil’s back
- My Wezzy visited me as a total surprise made my Valentines Day
- Action shot
- My champion LH Lily Puss
- Tiffany making Lil look stunning
- Selfie with my Lil Star
- Showing off Lil’s ribbons
Once all the classes were finished the judging of the Barastoc Supreme Show Hunter was delivered. After a strong field of six riders a small Buckskin Pony was awarded the lovely sash and rug.

Barastoc Supreme Show Hunter winner Maddie Zammit on Blackwood Fire Fox
Team Joyce are off to Randall Park Dressage next week’ have fun everyone ….