LH Albert placed 1st

Team Joyce went to the Randall Park Summer Dressage Series 2 competition , Sarah rode LH Albert in Level 2 and I took LH Lily Puss in my first Level 4. It was a very early morning to make sure we arrived at Randall by 7am , Sarah and Albi were to be ready by 8am to ride their first test 2.1. The turnout for the day was massive all the levels had really good numbers its no wonder many want to have a go because it is so much fun. About 1 hour later they went back in to attempt Test 2.2. Sarah said she thought Albi just loves Dressage’ he seems to get in the arena and want to do what is asked of him. His ears are pricked forward as he steps out and up with a lovely flowing gait. His movement is pretty nice really which makes watching him a pleasure. Other ladies did pass by kindly mentioning to Sarah they thought Albi looked quite flash when on show which made her feel quite chuffed. When everyone finished in that level you just wait about half an hour , go to the office and they read out the placings from 1st-6th. Sarah and LH Albert placed 1st in BOTH tests’ and even took out the Jackpot! The prizes are wonderful, Horseland were the main sponsor for Level 2 donating a Horseland woollen rug which fitted perfectly. We sat down and read all the judges comments smiling widely feeling good deep down inside. Happy days”

Waiting all day for Lily and I was nice really because we could just sit watch other riders and chat about stuff all day long. Lily and Albert were so well behaved munching on hay and looking around the stunning view at Randall Park. Lily and I had our first 4.1 test at 2.30pm she was a doll, I love riding her so so much words cannot describe my happiness. Sarah says mum ‘ you smile all the way round ‘ thats because I am truly having a ball. I had Sarah read out my tests because for some reason once I get into the arena my mind forgets the important part , like where to go and what to do. I think with more practise I will improve. Our next test 4.2 was on about 4pm and then we had to wait until 5ish for the last rider to be done. The results were called a little later , to my shock Lily and I placed 2nd and 3rd. I nearly cried , I am in shock reading all the nice comments about Lil Star makes me feel jello.

Here is what the judge wrote on the bottom of my test

Judges comments

Judges comments

Driving out at 6pm both riders and horses were so tired and so excited about our day out. Sarah and I loved telling Wes all about our day out in grave detail. He listened intently and remarked that we all looked puffed out which was an understatement. Anyway we look forward to the next Dressage Day out which I think is in Feb until then happy riding…..

team joyce logo


  1. Greagill show ponies team Thorpe/heal on 28 January 2016 at 7:57 pm

    Live reading your updates so wonderful reading how happy Lily makes you Trish ๐Ÿ™‚ well done Sarah and albi too ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Trish on 28 January 2016 at 8:28 pm

    Thank you so much for taking the time to write to us its is so nice of you all. Enjoy your moments with your children & ponies…we have seen pictures of Cruize riding all by himself now and Marley not far behind.We hope to cross paths again soon somewhere”

  3. Bee Flynn on 29 January 2016 at 7:46 am

    Fantastic results??????

    • Trish on 29 January 2016 at 11:44 am

      Thank you Bee ‘ I will have to try and load up the actual tests as a whole page as the judge was very encouraging , makes one feel like they want to have another go. We are going to attempt another day out In Feb before Sarah and Albi move back to Wagga Wagga.