It goes much better than expected

Wow, who does not enjoy a day when it goes much better than expected. Both Saturday and Sunday were fabulous for Team Joyce and LH Vanzy.

Vanzy possesses so many facial features from our beloved Oaks Volta. Her warm, huge, bulging brown eyes ooze tenderness. The blingy blaze ? her natural clean jumping style & her willingness to please! The weather gods were very kind. Blue skies a slight breeze and plenty of warm sun rays , just perfect for horsing around.

On Saturday this pair placed 4th in 75cm and jumped another clean round in the 85cm. We headed home before the results only to return tomorrow, where they are going to have a first attempt at 95 cm.

We were up early on Sunday monring, drove back to Boneo Park and to our delight LH Vanzy & Tiffany placed 6th-85cm and also had a go in the 95cm two rounder to place 2nd. It sure was a successful day for this combination. The bows were not expected at all but always add that extra bit of significance to the results.

Tiffany’s goal was to jump in the 95cm confidently by the end of this season.Not to say it’s done and dusted. They are trying again in June. This pair is hoping to be ready for 1.05m next season , July.

Thank you, Boneo Park, for another wonderful weekend of jumping. Wes & I feel very lucky to be able to spend quality time with our 2 girls enjoying our passion horses ??