Team Joyce went to Boneo Park this weekend with a truck load of youngsters and it was hard work! When we arrived on Saturday morning the horse area was a mess, there was manure everywhere! Its has been a while since we have seen this much manure:, but with 4 young horses and 2 of them having there first ever show out and about you expect a few nerves. The best part was having booked very sturdy yards, it was very easy to off load and place them safely into a good quality yard. And the yards were very close to our truck.
We took LH Pugsly, LH Adele, LH Arlo and LH Albert. Sarah was with us and her mounts for the two days were LH Albert and LH Arlo. Wes was going to ride the other two and Harry Sarah’s right hand man was helping me strap and this was his very first time ever at a showjumping show.

LH Pugsly, LH Adele,LH Arlo and LH Albert in their yards
The first class for Sarah was the 75cm and she was riding both LH Albert and LH Arlo. This was to be LH Arlo’s very first competition so for the pair to place 6th and receive a purple ribbon out of 50 horses was just a treat! Sarah said she felt he was very happy to jump but could feel he was drifting in between combinations and turning was a little tough sometimes. It is always much harder to encourage a green horse around a course for the very first time it takes your breathe away and requires a few little voice commands sometimes of Go on! Get up and over you go!

LH Arlo ~ Sarah and Judge Brian Scattergood smiling and congratulating the pair placing 6th what a lovely silk purple ribbon.
Sarah also rode both in the 90cm and had 1 rail with each horse . Wes rode LH Adele in her first ever 75cm and 90 cm it was real hard work, he was sweating after his rounds but was extremely happy she coped with all the other horses and dazzles on course. Then he rode LH Pugsly on 90cm and 1.04m also very pleased but thinks he will take more rounds to concentrate and keep and eye out for the fence ahead, LH Puglsy tends to loose interest on course.
This was a pleasing day for Mirrin Mc Kay the new owner of and LH Brittany, they were competing in their very first competition together. Mirrin said she has never jumped in a competition over 1m and today with LH Brittany they placed 2nd in the Under 14 yrs Junior 90cm and a credible 1st in the Open 1.04m!

Mirrin and LH Brittany 1st Open 1.04m at Boneo Park
The Saturday night was lovely, everyone sat and chatted and laughed so much in the riders retreat. The room was so comfortable and inviting with the tv for the children and heater for the adults ,we all talked about the good ol days! Boneo Park really does offer a special kind of comfort you do not experience at other venues, and the showers were amazing.
- Sarah and LH Arlo off to ride
- Sarah watching on ring side at Boneo Park
- Mirrin taking LH Brittany for a pick of grass at Boneo Park
- What a stunning picture of LH Brittany and her new owner Miriin Mc Kay at Boneo Park
- Wes & Harry saddling up LH Arlo at Boneo Park
On the Sunday Sarah rode her two in the 90cm and Wes rode his two in the 1.04m, LH Adele placed 2nd and LH Pugsly placed 5th. Wes was very pleased with the couple today and felt they were concentrating much better on course.And we were so proud to say Mirrin and LH Brittany placed 1st in both the Junior under 14yrs and the Open Junior! So out of the 4 events the pair achieved 3 firsts and 1 second!
Sarah said she was now looking forward to taking LH Albert for a couple of trail rides with a friend. The next two weeks of University holidays will be filled with riding. Team Joyce look very forward to going back to Boneo Park for the next showjumping competition!
Pictures of Mirrin Mc Kay and LH Brittany
- LH Brittany SOLD ~ Mirrin Mc Kay
- LH Brittany loving her new home, showing how well she is cared for
- LH Brittany loving her new home
- Mirrin and LH Brittany at Lals Haven Warmbloods before she took her home