Team Joyce travelled over to the Yarra Valley Showjumping Show held at Glenbrae Indoor at Wandin. The weather was very kind this year , the sun shone most of the time and the rain held off. The indoor surface was great, Bruce Milne had done a great job in preparing it for the 2 days of jumping. The Yarra Valley Showjumping Club organised a good weekend and everyone’s horses looked quite fresh and ready to jump being one of the first shows of the season you expect the horses to be a little jumpy!
Wesley took Irish Ace, LH Beckham and LH King Arthur. On the Saturday LH King Arthur was the first to go in the 1.05m and he placed 3rd. LH King Arthur was very happy in the practise ring he lept in the air with delight and sailed over the fences. Then Irish Ace and LH Beckham were in the 1.25m and both jumped well. Ace was 1st and Beckham was 2nd! So a great day and the horses were glad to finish. It was very nice of Bruce and Bev to let us stay at there house for the night and we were even able to put our horses in thier stables for the night. Bev does cook a mean “stew” it was amazing and we slept well with full bellies.
On the Sunday we went back and LH King Arthur had a go in the 1.10m and placed 4th . Then King Arthur and LH Beckham were against each other on the 1.20m. It was a rush to get them both read for the jump off and the final results were Beckham 1st and Arthur 3rd! A big “Thanks” to the organisers and Judge for being so patient in waiting for Wesley to go back and forth and warm up for each round.
Please enjoy the pictures and a few rounds of jumping below of Team Joyce’s weekend at Yarra Valley’s Show.

Wesley and LH King Arthur recieving the ribbons 1st for LH Beckham and Arthur's 3rd in the 1.20m Sunday.
LH King Arthur first round 1.05m Saturday
LH King Arthur jump off 1.05m Saturday placed 3rd
LH Beckham jump off 1.25m Saturday placed 2nd
he is a super star
Nice Work Wes, love your work.