Worming competition 3

Welcome to the Strategy T worming competition. Team Joyce hope you are enjoying the facts about Virbac’s wormers and the benefits of understanding which wormer to use when and why!

  1. How often should products be rotated?
  2. When are the 2 times of the year bots should be treated?
  3. What was the name of the wormer covered in September news?
  4. Does Strategy T treat bots?
  5. What is the best choice of wormer to use as a rotational wormer?
All answers are highlighted in the September news post just click on the link below to read the answers and send them to us!



The ” Winner ” will recieve a FREE  Strategy T wormer , Virbac showbag and Virbac weight tape

Closes 12pm 15th October

The ” Winner” will be announced on the 16th October