Meet Maree August winner

I drove down to meet with Maree Young today at her home in Stony Creek. The drive was so peaceful and her horses were all so pleased to be in the photo. I met with Phoenix Maree’s youngster. He is an 18 month old by a stallion called Aussie Rebel.

Phoenix wanting to look into the Barastoc bag of prizes

His nature is flawless and he loved a pat. Maree called him up to the fence and before we knew it he was there in a flash wanting to say hello. Maree took off his rug to show me his “white love heart on his belly”.

The white love heart on his stomach

Phoenix nibbled on the Barstoc bag of prizes and wanted to look at the Conformation book kindly donated by Pakenham Produce & Saddlery.

Maree, Phoenix at the gate holding the Conformation book, a fantastic prize

Maree hopes that one day Phoenix will be broken in and ready to ride, he may even make top jumping material! I was so impressed with how friendly,kind and loving this horse was. It shows that Maree has a natural talent in training horses because they are happy and love to meet people.

Phoenix wanted a close moment with Maree, what an adorable youngster!

Just a quick note:

Maree is a Certified Equine Myofunctional Therapist

Phone: 0427605253 for Injury prevention, Rehabilitation, Sports massage and or Pre & Post event massage.