Winners story-Lori Dunn

Lori Dunn & Blackwood Fashion Winner of Equimax Elevation worming competition


Thanks for our showbag of booklets, worming paste, and other goodies!!!

This is a picture of me and 1 of my horses Blackwood Fashion [Que]. She is a very happy horse at the moment because she won the worming paste and she absolutely loves it! She licks it all up and chews the end on the syringe.

Que and I are members of the Boolarra Pony Club. We love jumping, dressage, showing and bush riding. I’m looking forward to the start of the competition season again, but, it will be my last on Que because I am starting to slowly outgrow her.

Lori Dunn


Thank you Lori for your lovely letter. Team Joyce love to hear from Volta’s fans and we are very pleased Blackwwod Fashion liked the Equimax worming paste, they are very tasty! Happy riding..

1 Comment

  1. sarah on 23 July 2012 at 2:04 pm
