Volta Body Sept

Poll to muzzle: 68cm increased by 1cm

Chin to shoulder  (neck length) : 79cm no change

Mane length: 25cm increased by 1cm

Back length: wither to top dock: 119cm no change

Tail length top of dock to end tail: 94cm  increased by 4 cm

Hind length top of coronet band to hock: 67cm  nochange

Front leg length top of coronet to elbow: 95cm no change

Volta’s height: shall post in October along with a new measurement!

Stay tuned for a new measurement starting in October!

Stay tuned to enter Strategy-T worming competition early September! A post will be placed on our web site, just answer a few easy questions to win great prizes!

Looking at Volta’s measurements above there was not a lot of change this month at all. Is he going to stop growing? Will his growth spurts just slow down? Team Joyce will introduce a NEW measurement in Spetember one that is very relevant and important to Watching Volta Grow! Do you have any ideas on what it will be? Stay tuned and keep updated by Watching Volta Grow…..