Poll to muzzle: 70cm no change
Chin to shoulder (neck length) : 79.5cm no change
Mane length: 10cm ( mane was cut December )
Back length: wither to top dock: 123cm no change
Tail length top of dock to end tail: 60cm ( after being chewed )
Hind length top of coronet band to hock: 68.5cm no change
Front leg length top of coronet to elbow: 97cm no change
Hind quarters: from ground to top of rump: 159cm
From wither : ground to top of wither: 159cm =15.2 1/2hh
So from all these measurements Volta has not grown at all for the month of December, but he has thickened a lot throughout parts of his body. His hind quarters, neck and top line are becoming very broad. He put on just a few kilos and his overall facial looks have changed slightly, his forehead is looking wider and his eyes larger in size. These are all signs of him maturing and developing into a 2 year old colt.
In March, his weight was 400kg
In April, his weight was 434kg
In May, his weight was 466kg
In June, his weight was 477kg
In July, his weight was 489kg
In August, his weight was 478kg
In September, his weight was 473kg
In October , his weight was 477kg
In November, his weight was 484kg
In December, his weight was 487kg
Another old wives tale guessing their matured height to be and one for you to try on your youngster . Use a measuring tape and start at the fetlock and measure to the elbow, which was 30 inches on Volta. Then we ran the tape from the elbow 30 inches up , hold your measuring stick next to the horse and mark the spot of 30 inches on your stick. Ours measured 168cm, so therefore Volta may mature to approximately 16.2hh. Hope you enjoy having fun with this method and we shall wait and see how accurate it is on Volta!
Some say its an old wives tale but who cares its worth trying out on Oaks Volta to see if its close! Cannot wait until he is 3,4 and 5 years old and then we shall know if this old wives tale is just that?
Volta’s teeth

His milk teeth have not changed a lot this passed year but over the next 2 years they shall change drastically!