Hello welcome to the August updates of Oaks Volta!
To read the FULL STORY go to :

Tiffany & Oaks Volta what a shot!
- Tiffany & Volta loving riding
- Tiffany& Oaks Volta jumping, look at Wes’s smile!
- Oaks Volta making to look so easy!
- Tiffany what a huge smile!

Volta and Tiffany very pleased with their ride!
Volta weighed 492kg for the month of July

Volta’s weight for July 492kg
Volta’s measurements for July
Poll to muzzle: 71cm no change
Chin to shoulder (neck length) : 75cm no change
Mane length: 12cm ( mane was cut July )
Back length: wither to top dock: 129cm increased by 3cm
Tail length top of dock to end tail: 81cm ( after being chewed ) increased by 3cm
Hind length top of coronet band to hock: 69cm no change
Front leg length top of coronet to elbow: 97cm no change
Hind quarters: from ground to top of rump: 164cm no change
From wither : ground to top of wither: 163.5cm =16 hh no change ( only .5cm change here )

Volta licking his pink mineral salt block
- Oaten Hay for Volta
- Lucerne hay for Volta
- Barastoc Competitor for Oaks Volta and the Team Joyce performance horses
- Ker Equi-jewel for Volta
Many Thanks to Volta’s Sponsors ~ click to enlarge
- The Ultimate riders diary
- Barastoc feeds are simply the best! Team Joyce are PROUDLY Sponsored by Barastoc!
- We hope you enjoy shopping at EFO ONLINE.
- Australia’s HorseWyse Magazine!