Volta August news

Hello welcome to the August updates of Oaks Volta!

To read the FULL STORY go to :


Tiffany & Volta what a shot!

Tiffany & Oaks Volta what a shot!

Volta and Tiffany very pleased with their ride!

Volta and Tiffany very pleased with their ride!

 Volta weighed 492kg for the month of July

Volta's weight for July 492kg

Volta’s weight for July 492kg

Volta’s measurements for July

Poll to muzzle: 71cm no change

Chin to shoulder  (neck length) : 75cm no change

Mane length: 12cm  ( mane was cut July )

Back length: wither to top dock: 129cm increased by 3cm

Tail length top of dock to end tail: 81cm  (  after being chewed ) increased by 3cm

Hind length top of coronet band to hock: 69cm  no change

Front leg length top of coronet to elbow: 97cm no change

Hind quarters: from ground to top of rump: 164cm no change

From wither : ground to top of wither: 163.5cm =16 hh no change ( only .5cm change here )

Volta's July body measurements


Volta licking his pink mineral salt block

Volta licking his pink mineral salt block

Many Thanks to Volta’s Sponsors ~ click to enlarge