Team Joyce had a wonderful time this weekend because we were together again. It has been quite a while since the four of us could all be at the one place enjoying what we love as a family and that’s horsing around at a showjumping event. Even sweeter when its your home town. Sarah took her dressage champion LH Albert to jump in two classes while Wes rode LH Mr Percvival and Tiffany LH Johnny. I volunteered on the gate in Ring 2 both days and enjoyed myself immensely meeting and greeting everyone. Click on the pictures to enlarge them:
- Ring 1 and 2 at Korumburra
- Working on the gate in Ring 2
Sarah and Albert started in the PJ & NJ Mc Naughton Agricultural Contractors Open 75cm jumping a wonderful round claiming 3rd place. They then returned for the Open 85cm and won it out of a large field of over 50 riders. We were all stoked , as you can see by our smiles it was like we had won the Melbourne Cup ….
- Off they go to jump
- Sarah and Albi
- Sarah and Albi
- Action shot of Sarah and LH Albert
- Look at this smile!
- Winners Sarah and Albi
Wes rode LH Mr Percival in the Austral Hotel Korumburra 1.05cm and the Equinade, Open 110cm jumping around with 1 rail in each class, it was the same jump naming it the bogie fence ha ha. Tiffany rode in the Morwell Panel Works, Open 120cm – Table C and had fence number 2 down. Very pleasing results in our camp today, just perfect being able to make Sarah feel like a queen even if it is for one day.
On Sunday only Wes Tiffany and myself returned with LH Johnny and LH Lily Puss. I was volunteering on Ring 2 and Wes rode the Lil star in the 75cm so I could watch her show off her jumping skills. It was fantastic , she jumped everything happily even placing 2nd out of a strong field of about 50. I think I may have to update my E.A membership because this looks like I could have even more fun!
- Waiting for Lil to jump
- Wes jumping my Lil Star
- Winners are grinners

Catch up time
Tiffany and LH Johnny were keen to have a crack in the main class of the show. This year was a first time Wes was not in the main class at Korumburra in over 25 years but in the smallest class being the 75cm. And it was to be Tiffany ‘s very first time so they walked the course carefully together to make sure there was a plan between each obstacle because don’t forget LH Johnny is still very green at this height so we must keep him confident.
The pair warmed up superbly , being 9th in the draw there were 2 clean rounds before them. The bell rang and the canter looked a tad slow Tiffany not placing a lot of pressure or forward pace approaching the first 2 fences therefore coming to the third fence being a big square wide oxer just got a little to far away in take off and just touched the back rail coming down. From here on she applied more pace upped the tempo then easily sailed over every jump left in the course. The treble down the middle was just blissful to watch. He made the jumps look easy ears pricked all the way. Coming out the first words spoken to Wes was, ” dad I was far to careful why did I not start with the right pace’?. His words of wisdom were’, Tiffany you rode magnificently your horse jumped extremely well we are ready for Sale next week well done.”
Only 2 clean rounds 2 with time faults and one with the same faults as Tiffany but a tad quicker time in the round putting them in 6th place. Very very happy!
- Tiffany and LH Johnny
- Jumping the triple bar with ease