Tiffany won with one rail down

Team Joyce ventured to Boneo Park to compete in the Boneo Cup Showjumping Show. It was as per usual very enjoyable because of all the extra comfort Boneo Park has to offer. We are always so excited making the 2 hour trek knowing when you arrive it is so simple to unload park plug in to power access to water is so close and your horses are safe and secure what more could any competitor ask for! The best part and the news Team Joyce wish to share is that Tiffany won with one rail down, how is this possible you may ask? Well read on

Team Joyce took Oaks Volta and LH Johnny early Saturday morning to start Johnny in the Open 1.20m and Volta in the Open 1.04m. LH Johnny was placed in a yard and Volta in a stable. Boneo Park kindly arranged that he had no horses directly next to him to help us settle him in as it was only his second time staying away from home and we are still working out if he is well behaved in public or if he has any idiosyncrasies we need to keep a curb on. Boneo Park staff and volunteers go out of their way to make sure every bodies needs are met and it must be a very difficult task with so many different requirements. All ours have always been more than delivered and we are very grateful for that.

Tiffany and LH Johnny were one of four jumping a lovely clean round out of 56 riders. They had one rail in the jump off to finish third , there was only one double clean and that was the legendary showjumper Geoff Bloomfield, one never minds placing down the line up next to him! Oaks Volta and Wesley had the first fence down in the 1.04m on the new grassed arena. This surface was spectacular unbelievable that Scott McNaught could produce such another amazing showjumping area after having three others surrounding it. Boneo Park is by far at the for front of all equine facilities in Australia Team Joyce are so fortunate to have it close enough to utilize.

On Sunday the test was going to be a big one and one Team Joyce have been working towards for many months. How would LH Johnny cope in a Mini Prix with fences starting at 1.30m reaching up to 1.35m with oxers widths of 1.45m-1.50m. This was also going to be a very first Mini Prix for Tiffany so the test was to be a nervous one for all.

Wes and Tiffany walked the course of 12 fences with an open water, treble and a take me out last fence you need to do something to clear oxer! The pair warmed up good Tiffany said she was nervous but excited. Wes handed her the whip for the first time ever on course because he felt she needed a good tempo and to make sure she kept it up he wanted her to have a bit of encouragement on hand of needed for sometimes legs with spurs and the will in your heart is just not enough. I was so very anxious myself holding the camera ready to record the outcome.

To listen to the Chat-ski before and after 

Barastoc logo chatski

Tiffany’s tempo was excellent she said the whip was not used but it helped her feel more prepared for the whole course from start to finish. The Chat-ski informs you of what should of or could of been done to try and come up with a clear round but to Team Joyce it was a win. This is what Wes and I thought appropriate to place on her Facebook wall

You won today dad and I are so very proud all the hours studying working riding hoping today’s class would go well and it could not have gone better. Well done ? What ever happens after this is just extra let us be content xx

Sadly Wes’s mother passed away last week so our plans for the Australian Championships has changed a little, Tiffany and LH Johnny are now aiming for the 7 yo Young Horse Talent Class on the Saturday. So here’s hoping all the preparations over the past four months will shine then. Stay tuned to see how it all goes

Wes and Oaks Volta jumped in the Open 1.04m on the newly surfaced sand arena and had the last fence down , this packing sand worked well and seemed to combine to fibers nicely. Volta is having a spell now and going to perform some stud duties he will return under saddle in a few weeks.

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