ScanX main controls

I have certainly leanred so much about ultrasound machines since I purchased my new Scan-x. It certainly is the best item I have ever invested my money into. The extra things it can do to give me the information I need to feel super organised for kidding my does. Did you know you can perform so many extra tasks -for example :

  • Measuring the heart beat
  • Save the images or video
  • Export your images and videos
  • Name your images and videos to the exact doe
  • Working out the due date of your kid
  • See how many kids are in the uterus – just to name a few…

You can also alter the settings on your Sca-X to suit your eye. The brightness , or even change the view from balck and white to another colour.

Control walkthrough-

Finding and exporting images-

Take a closer look at the ScanX ultrasound machine that I use and highly reccomend.

Did you know PUM offer a Goat Scan online course?

A self-paced online course filled with live video footage and demonstrations, tailored for goat breeders or veterinarians who are new to ultrasound……. read more