Sarah decided to try and commit to two competitions this year. One in October and November. Who would have thought the final result of the first outing would end so well. Albert not only placed 1st in both tests but Sarah wins Jackpot plus the Karen Powell Memorial Trophy.
Excited to say ” Sarah wins Jackpot “

Sarah wins Jackpot
The hectic university lifestyle hasn’t lent much time to ride this year. Being on rotations means loads of travel without her favourite Albert. She spends about 3 weeks at each work place. This is from July 2017 until July 2018. The pair of us always wanted to attend TTT Dressage in November , Sarah recently joined the Leongatha & District Equestrian Club which means we can be in the same team. Click to enlarge pictures
- Quick fix before leaving
- Sarah & Josh plaiting
- Sarah showing Albert around

Josh always supports Sarah , he is a wonderful strapper
Stoked to be riding in the same Dressage Team at TTT at Boneo Park
I loved watching her ride in our purple white club colors , Albert looked so handsome in his new brow band made by Glitz N Glamour Browbands and Show Accessories. Dee handmade a stunning blingy head piece and boy did it look amazing. Our club ran Saturday & the Wonthaggi Adult club on the Sunday. All competitors could enter in 2 tests each day.

New browband
4 Dressage tests for the weekend
In Level 1 HRCAV LH Albert put his best hoof forward all weekend, placing 2nd & 5th Saturday going on to win both tests Sunday to take out the Jackpot as well. To top it off this pair won our clubs Karen Powell Memorial Trophy. It is awarded to the Leongatha club member with the highest percentage score. Personally I was stoked becasue now Sarah’s name is beside mine. How nice to think we are both so keen riding in the new world of Adult Riding and can share a very important prize as well. Here is the story of Lily claiming this prize last year. Josh Sarah & I had a little celebration back at the float taking in and soaking up the moment of glory.

Karen Powell Memorial Trophy
- Handsome fella this Albi loving Dressage
- Winning the Jackpot
- Jackpot winners
- These two are a great dressage pair
Sarah and Albi are equally on top with another Level 1 rider of the leader board going into the 3rd phase – held in December followed by a 4th day March 2018
Lily & I were also fortunate to place 2nd & 5th Saturday also taking out Reserve Champion Jackpot and another 5th & 10th Sunday in Level 3. Wes & Tiffany floated Lil down for me at 3pm Saturday afternoon. We were on at 4.30pm & 5pm. Sarah was on at 9.30am so we decided standing around all day was not the best for my Lily Puss. Taking Albert home after he was done was the best for him being fresh for Sunday’s performance. Wes read my tests , I still need a bit of help with remembering them. Both Tiffany and Wes stayed by my side all afternoon waiting for presentations.
- My special girl
- I love LH Lily Puss, I am so lucky Tiffany took some wonderful pictures
- Wes helping me with final touches
- Off we go
- Every picture shows Lily’s smile
- My Lil has gorgeous curves
- I really enjoy this world of Dressage
- Waiting patiently ring side

I am so fortunate to have my Wes helping me
Sarah & I spent quality time together all day Sunday

Sarah and I creating valuable memories
Sunday Sarah was on early and I was late afternoon. I bit the bullet and took Lily in. She stood like a darling all day long. I will say it is not the ultimate option she was great for my first test but could not be bothered really for the next one. I was tired to so not giving her the best ride , all in all I came away extremely happy with her – she always tries her very best.
Here are some videos of Sarah warming up LH Albert & an interview expressing her thoughts on her life at the moment.
Life is all about creating memories. Team Joyce are always out and about horsing around in all levels of competition & hacking out trail riding. You do not have to be at the top to feel like a champion. You do not have to come away with a prize to feel like your a winner. Make each outing count stop think and remember to make your very own life time stories – then to top it off go back now and then talk about how great many moments were. Never let good times disappear and be forgotten.