Oaks Volta first freshman day

It was time to take Oaks Volta first freshman day. How will he go? It is going to be all new for Oaks Volta. So many new things to see and hear , will all the training Wes has done over the years pay off? We arrived very early to make sure we could try to have a warm up in the arena with minimal horses around which worked perfectly.

Oaks Volta was quite fresh on the initial approach to the actual practice sand arena, he stood looked sharply and flirted around quite nimbly so Wes took him for a trot in the opposite direction until he felt him relax in the back. His second approach was a lot better and riding around with only four other horses was a good start. After doing two laps trotting and cantering they jumped the cross once the straight fence twice and oxer once and off to the arena for a start.

Wes was very pleased with how Oaks Volta behaved. He hopes that this is the beginning of many more outings. Stay tuned for more videos / photos of our journey ahead with Oaks Volta it is sure to be full of action!

Oaks Volta proudly sponsored by Barastoc KER Horseland Joint Rejuvenate (2)