Mid 50’s still going strong

This is a blog about my Wesley. Why you may ask ? Well even though I am a biased candidate to express words of how great he is as a father & husband I wanted to share with you how he became the best general horseman I know. Approaching early mid ’50’s still going strong is what I titled this story but Wes said ‘ I am not mid 50 ! ‘….

I replied ” Pretty close to it love lol…”

Wes at 21 years young

Wes at 21 years young now mid 50’s still going strong this beautiful horse was Blackford Conquistador one of his favourites

Wes grew up on a dairy farm and his father often expressed his desire for him to fill his shoes. They farmed pigs potatoes and beef cattle as well. Everyone knows the farming lifestyle is never a dull one there is always plenty to do. By the age of five Wes could drive a tractor feed out hay and even ride a horse.

We raised over 350 pigs back in 1999

Not only did Wes grow up feeding pigs we raised over 350 back in 1999, Sarah & Tiffany have very fond memories of that stage of life on the farm

All his brothers and sisters took a turn in learning how to ride. They all went to pony club while also attending other sports as well. Wesley is quite a good basketball player and footballer. I personally think after observing him for nearly 30 years he is quite a toughie. But riding horses was his most loved passion. After completing all his jobs on farm he still found time to ride sometimes it would mean getting the cows on horseback no time to saddle up , he would venture off bareback at a flat out gallop across the hills.

Wes devoting all his time on his girls

Wes devoting all his time on his girls -1994 Sarah just turned 4 and Tiffany was 2 1/2 . He made sure they rode everyday

To continue reading the full story….