LH Noah & Lynelle

Best buddies xoxo

LH Noah is having a wonderful spoilt  life with his new owner Lynelle Johnson. The pair have formed a strong bond and show huge potential for the future. LH Noah is only 5 years old but he has a kind willing nature to learn quickly and because Lynelle is so dedicated we know he is in good hands. It is very important to give your new horse time to know you and understand what you ask of them, its all new to them when going to a new home. They to are sometimes concerned , worried and not sure what will be expected of them. Always keep your horse happy and confident and take your time to introduce them to your way of doing things. Patience is the key and taking your time, “Rome was not built in a day”, and a new horse can take up to 2 years before a strong sound bond is formed between horse and rider. Team Joyce offer Lynelle continued support at stage during her time with LH Noah and are always here to help in anyway we can. Sometimes its nice to know you can always ask the previous owners what they think when extra opinions are needed to make a decision on what the best tact is to take with some dilemmas of horse riding, as we all know we come across many to conquer!

Please enjoy some pictures of Lynelle and LH Noah

First clinic showjumping

First clinic cross-country


Lynelle showing him water getting ready to jump in and out


So easy!

LH Noah waiting patiently with his little friends

LH Noah with all his new” clothes!


LH Noah giving a friend a ride to!




Here are the pair at there first official day out”, and with a lovely ribbon for participation! Congratulations