Korumburra Show

Team Joyce stayed home this weekend but it was so wonderful to hear from all our new owners of Lals Haven horses sold.

Sophie said LH Adelia went fantastic”, this was there very first outing at a showjumping competition and the pair went in the 85cm and made the jump off and only had the first fence down and then jumped clean. Now Sophie said she was so keen to do more!

Sophie Elphick riding LH Adelia

Sophie Elphick riding LH Adelia

Izzy said LH Cario also went amazing and jumped a clean round in the Maiden D Grade and had 1 down in the jump off, Izzy said he had him going really forward so he did not have a chance to look at anything and it worked out perfect! Now off looking for another day out.

This picture is showing the combinations great style over the straight fence.

This picture is showing the combinations great style over the straight fence.

Michelle said LH Priscilla also jumped awesome in the 75cm and cannot wait for their next event!

Blue tarps no worries!

Blue tarps no worries!


So terrific news for “Team Joyce” we love to hear from everyone and cannot wait to hear more future success stories it is so wonderful to know so many riders are having so much fun !