On Sunday 30th September Wes & Tiffany drove to Treehaven for some showjumping. Wesley was so keen to load the horses and drive off to a show. Finally he feels Volta is ready to get out there and see if he jumps as good out and about compared to at home in training. We can all brag about how great our horses are at home but can they perform in all sorts of conditions and take pressure when things do not go so right?. Wes loves showjumping so much. He suffers withdrawals when the weeks pass by without an attendance somewhere over a four week span. Treehaven Equestrian Club is definitely a well liked equine facility everyone likes to go to whether a competitor or spectator , the comforts provided are fantastic.
Oaks Volta’s sixth time out in his lifetime

Wes loves showjumping look at the smiles
Oaks Volta comes homes again with a ribbon.Out of 60 combinations they placed 2nd in the Open 1.04m . It was the first time Volta has experienced the size of a fenced arena with the public viewing deck ring side. The signs and atmosphere did not hinder his concentration at all. Wes said as soon as they enter the ring Volta’s mind is on the job at hand. None of the fill or colours seem to fluster him at all.

Oaks Volta in the presentation
Both LH Johnny and Oaks Volta attempted the Open 1.20m
Tiffany thought LH Johnny was very fresh but needed the round of jumping to settle. The pair had the first fence down but the rest of the course was ok. Wesley lost his way’ but Volta jumped a super clean round ! Thank you Amy Thorneycroft for taking such a super photo , Volta is definitely giving the 1.20m jump loads of air no wonder Wes loves showjumping. How could you not on an up and coming Performance stallion so well bred ‘ Oaks Volta‘ only time will tell but we are so excited to watch him grow in stature.

Wes & Oaks Volta on course 1.20m Photo Amy Thorneycroft
- My dad so proud – watching Wes doing what he loves most
- Oaks Volta in the Open 1.20m
Tiffany made a late entry and took Johnny in the Open 1.30m as well. She said he felt focused and strong not in the pulling reefing way but very willing with scope to spare. The second last fence was the one to claim four faults becasue they took off to far away -“He stretched mum as far as he could but his hoof just tipped it on the way down so close ” ,Tiffany remarked. So now we plan for Dandenong Agricultural Show November 12th and 13th. This show will be an eye opener for Oaks Volta with so much action noise and hype even the fire works may spark caution. Stay tuned we shall see how he tackles the new world of the Agi atmosphere !!
To read about how Sarah & I went at our Dressage competition