Guess Volta’s weight for June

Welcome horse lovers of all kinds!

Volta at 6 months


Volta at 12 months

Have a guess at Volta’s weight on the page below in the comments box.   The earliest post with the closest number matching to his weight on the tape is the winner, so that’s why it important to get you guess in EARLY!  Some people who have a Facebook account have had a “Guess” on his Facebook site. You can change your guess at any time.

Volta will come in from the paddock into his stable this weekend the 17th June. Will this make a difference to his weight gain? He will be hard fed as detailed below. Will he loose weight? What do you think, please feel free to comment below for all to see.

Write your first and last name, the weight you are guessing  in the comments box below . The time and date will automatically appear. Your guess is locked in. Good luck!

Eg:     Lexi Young    250kg

On the 1st July the WINNER is announced.

The prize bag for the winner in June

Thank you: Barastoc-Pakenham Produce & Saddlery Store-RidersDiary-HorseWyse Magazine (Aus)-EFO-Learn About Horses Magazine (UK )


Volta’s daily ration of Barastoc Breed & Grow and Ker Equi-Jewel is the best recipe for a growing youngster guaranteed!

Now he has a Horse Block to lick when ever he feels the need to.We have put it in his stable.


Must have in Volta's feed regime to achieve the best body condition he is getting 400g per day.


Volta's favorite feed which gives him all the requirements needed during his growth spurts he is getting 3.5kg per day plus 3kg of Oaten hay , grass hay ad lib.

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