Hello welcome to the “Guess Volta’s weight for August Competition”
Its easy, just write your guess in the comments box below and state yourNAME , WEIGHT YOUR GUESS IN KG’s and wait and see. We shall let you know who the winner is on the 1st September. Only one guess per person and the earliest guess with the closest weight is the winner.So get in quick with your guess and if some-one else has picked your number go one number higher or lower! Some have guessed on his Facebook page at : http://www.facebook.com/WatchVoltaGrow

A bag full of great prizes from all of Volta's sponsors. Many Thanks : Barastoc, Pakenham Produce & Saddlery Store, Riders Diary, Equestrian Factory Outlet, HorseWyse Magazine

One of the great prizes for the Winner of guessing Volta's weight for August A conformation book kindly donated by Pakenham Produce & Saddlery Store
Thank you to Oaks Volta’s Sponsors :
Barastoc(pen&drinkbottle)-PakenhamProduce&SaddleryStore(conformation book)-RidersDiary(diary)
HorseWyse Magazine(a magazine)-Equestrian Factory Outlet ( medium maroon riding gloves )-Learn About Horses Magazine (UK )
All guessers are locked in, will not be long now we cannot wait ourselves to see what Volta weighed for August, stay tuned!