Grand Valley Showjumping show

Team Joyce went to Grand Valley showjumping show held at Wandin Park on the 2nd and 3rd Feb. We took a truck load of 5 horses, LH King Arthur, LH Beckham, LH Albert, LH Adelia and another horse we called Bruce which Wes was riding out at its first show. Sophie who owns LH Adelia was going on a holiday and asked if we could look after her prize possession while she was away and take her out to the show .Sarah used to ride her before Sophie brought her so it worked out just perfect for Sarah to have 2 horses to ride.We arrived Friday afternoon and put them all into their yards.



The rings

The warm up for a ring

The view from the hill

The view from the hill

Wes getting on LH King Arthur

Wes getting on LH King Arthur

Wesley rode LH King Arthur in the Bronze section and placed a fantastic 6th. LH Beckham was none to happy with his day and was not very co-operative and decided Sunday was his day and jumped a perfect round with only 1 down. LH Adelia started in the 1m class in Ring 2 and had 1 rail down but handled all the bright colors and dazzle boards quite well.

6th placing for Wes and LH King Arthur

6th placing for Wes and LH King Arthur

Sarah rode LH Albert in the 75cm which was his very first ever round of showjumping. The pair looked happy and relaxed and approached each jump steady and with ease. The classes in Ring 3 were run under an AM7 every day and they did make the jump off but were not trying to go very quick just start and finish with confidence. Sarah rode out of the ring with a massive smile of glee and said,” Mum he was such a super star!”. Sarah went back and rode LH Adelia also in the 75cm and 90cm and in both rounds just had 1 rail in each class. LH Albert also came back for the 90cm and made the jump off again.

Sarah and LH Albert getting ready to jump in their very first showjumping class

Sarah and LH Albert getting ready to jump in their very first showjumping class

Wes and Sarah riding over to the rings together

Wes and Sarah riding over to the rings together

Sarah standing with some from Team Garland, Sandy in the middle and her daughter Grace. Team Garland worked all weekend on the gate ( Andrew )and penciling ( Sandy ) , wonderful volunteers to have in the sport of showjumping.

Sarah standing with some from Team Garland, Sandy in the middle and her daughter Grace. Team Garland worked all weekend on the gate ( Andrew )and penciling                 ( Sandy ) , wonderful volunteers to have in the sport of showjumping.

On the Sunday Sarah had a wonderful day filled with smiles, she jumped LH Albert in the 75cm achieved a 5th placing along with some horse treats for the prize, Albert loved them! In the 90cm again they jumped double clean so by then end of their two days had a bucket load of success!! LH Adelia also jumped clean in the 75cm and had the very first rail down in the 90cm. Adelia was very tired come Sunday late afternoon as was ready to go home.

Sarah and Albert ready for Sunday

Sarah and Albert ready for Sunday

Sarah and Albert with their ribbon and horse treats

Sarah and Albert with their ribbon and horse treats

The show and weather was fantastic all weekend. Grand Valley club worked very hard to make this event a great one and that it was, just GREAT!



  1. Anna on 5 February 2013 at 7:28 pm

    So happy you guys had a great day.
    Love the photo’s LH Albert looks like he is going to leave his mark as well.
    Go Sarah go xoxoxoxo

  2. lalshaven on 5 February 2013 at 7:31 pm

    Thanks mum, yes Sarah just loves him so much!