LH Miss Boss is the only four turning five year old we have on the truck at the moment. It has been a very long time since Team Joyce loaded a bunch of very young Lals Haven Performance horses. We drove four mares to Boneo Park on Saturday 25th March. This was definitely a test to see if all our home work is paying off. Team Joyce took LH Clarissa LH Queenie and LH Carolina technically all three until August 2017. LH Miss Boss is ready for a new home being four turning five she is the perfect age to be campaigned next season.
LH Miss Boss is four turning five and is For Sale
- LH Carolina – Tullara Cassime / LH Anna
- Lals Haven babies behaving in their yards
- Nicky four turning five
- LH Clarissa
- Sire – Quintago – Dam Fernhill Tina
- LH Calrissa
- Wes & LH Carolina
- Wes & LH Carolina ready to jump
- LH Clarissa by Caracas / Blackall Park Chiquita ( Daley K )
- Wes & Tiffany waiting together
It was all hands on deck from the moment the mares were unloaded. Team Joyce were pleasantly surprised that all four behaved impeccably taking in all the new surroundings calmly. Boneo Park offers you plenty of space to get your young inexperienced horses going , Wes & Tiffany could go for a nice relaxed trot canter before entering the warm up arena to jump. Even though there was so many other horses around you could stay well clear making sure your horse felt safe and relaxed.

Picture perfect thank you for the photo Katherine its beautiful
Watch the warm up video for LH Clarissa-LH Queenie & LH Carolina
( My phone went flat for LH Miss Boss )
Ready to go
Wes jumped LH Carolina, LH Clarissa & LH Miss Boss while Tiffany stayed focused on LH Queenie. We did not take them in any jump offs as this outing is purely for a look see for them and for us to determine if they are ready to place on the market or need a bit more work. We decided LH Miss Boss is more than ready to move on. She is going fantastic under saddle in every way.
So if you are looking for a very pleasant well started youngster with a reasonable price tag Miss Boss maybe an option for you- she is ready to go.
Video footage of mares showjumping for first time away from home
LH Miss Boss FOR SALE – dob Nov 2012
LH Queenie – DOB Nov 2013
LH Clarissa – DOB Dec 2013
LH Carolina – DOB Dec 2013
Click to enlarge each picture ~
- Nicky on course
- Wes on course with LH Clarissa
- LH Clarissa 80cm
- Wes & Nicky 80cm
- Tiffany & LH Queenie on course