Team Joyce had a fabulous time at the Boneo Classic last weekend. It was the first Futurity for Sarah in over 5 years and a very first World Cup Qualifier class for Bolero de la Vie Z
To read the full story and see all the pictures
- Jumping castle
- Sarah and Wes getting ready
- Sarah and Wes at the Barastoc trade stand
- Back at the stables
- Team Joyce luv Barastoc
- Sarah and Wes walking bac
- Wes near Barastoc oxer
- Wes and his long time friend Mr Peter Wagner
- Wes and another long time riding friend Russell Hearn
- Bronwyn Mc Naught hard at wor
- Wes Bolero in front of the Barastoc showjump
- Sarah and Fly on course

Wes and Scott Mc Naught who organised the event