Bio Tiffany Joyce

Team Joyce are so very proud to inform you that Tiffany Joyce is a fully qualified practising Lawyer. After successfully completing 6 years at La Trobe studying International Relations, Law & Japanese she is now working at Bayside Solicitors in Frankston.  

Bio Tiffany Joyce LL.B, Dip , Lang , B.I.G.S Solicitor

Tiffany in court

Tiffany is juggling her passion for horse riding with a working lifestyle. She adores her exceptionally talented showjumper LH Johnny who Lals Haven bred themselves. These two are a great combination jumping up to 1.30m when time allows them to train in advance.

Look at the sheer determination on Tiffany's face

Since working at Bayside Solicitors Tiffany has practised under the Family, Crime & Civil Jurisdiction. More recently Tiffany has sought to unite her passion and her work through pursuing Equine Law, which is commonly based in Contract & Consumer Law. Click on pictures to enlarge :

Extremely experienced with the equine world

If you have any dispute, question or query regarding the above please do not hesitate to contact Tiffany. There is nothing better than having someone, who is not only familiar with the law but also extremely experienced with the equine world, handle your most important matters.

Family is first always


Tiffany business card