Amber is stoked with Nicky’s performance

Team Joyce love all the updates from LH performance horses we have sold. the most recent LH Miss Boss is now owned by Amber who lives near Geelong. Amber is stoked with Nicky’s performance at a recent competition. This is what she wrote to us :

Amber is stoked with Nicky’s performance

Hi Trish & Wes, we’ve just done 5 days at Werribee at the State interschool Champs. And we are so happy with how Nikki went. Wed & Thurs was SJ, CT on Fri and dressage on Sat. Wed, just one rail in each round, then Thurs, clear in the first round and clear in the jump off to finish 8th. We were thrilled.  CT Friday, Nikki was like really??? But gave it a go. Then sat she did two good tests to finish 13th out of 31.

We think pretty amazing for a young green mare. Amber loves riding her. We are so excited for the future especially now we have a new SJ instructor who lives round the corner

Amber & Nikki compete at the 2018 Horseware Australia Victorian State Championships

I had an AM5 on both Nikki on Thursday. Nikki did her first clear round and clear in the jump off! Saturday was just dressage for Nikki and she did her best tests yet. She ended up placing 12th and 15th in her tests and 13th overall, which made me super happy as these were her 6th and 7th dressage tests ever!. Very proud of my baby girl handling such a big comp so well after only being with me for 2 months!

We are so pleased Amber is clicking with Nicky, these two will bond and form a great partnership in the coming months. It takes at least 2 years to become confident on your new horse. This is sure to be a combination for the future all becasue Amber is so driven and has a a very supportive family with good instruction by her side.

Happy riding Amber