Berwick Ag Show

Hi everyone’ boy where do I start? Berwick Ag Show 2015 was so so hot and got hotter . The shade provided by the show committee was fabulous  and they are to be highly congratulated on running another fantastic showjumping event. There were plenty of entries so that proved how popular the show has become over the years. The arena had been watered so the grass was perfectly balanced with all the dry weather, not to wet not to hard. The National Australia Bank Grandstand with a cover over the top would have to be the icing on the cake and may I say looked full most of the time from mid morning until the last class.

Team Joyce took LH Johnny, Fly and Bolero and this was to be Sarah’s last showjumping show for a while as she goes back to University next week. Sarah came down on Friday night and left Saturday night to work and Tiffany drove up and down each day to keep an eye on the foals at home. It was very nice to spend Saturday altogether as this was going to be the last time for quite a while.

On Saturday the sun streamed down and it was very hot all day. There were over 300 horses to jump today so every class was changed to a One Rounder to allow enough time for all the classes.It was really good that you could sit around in the shade and have a good chat with friends. Wes had his first ride at 4pm in the Berwick Drafting & Design Open 1.30m. Having one rail meant he was not in the placings today.


Sarah and Tiffany both went in the Circulus Education Open 1.20m Speed and pulled one rail each. Sarah had to leave to get to work and Tiffany drove home to check on Oaks Volta’s foals. Wes and I had to load the horses on the truck for the fire works and got a good nights sleep due to the hot weather.

On Sunday Wes rode Bolero and Fly in the NAB Open 1.35m , there was 35 riders entered. Fly had what we call a fly by’ so gained 4 faults and Bolero jumped a super clean round to make the jump off with 10 other combinations. In the jump off he completed another faultless round and ended up with 6th place. Wes was very pleased with Bolero.

Last to go was Tiffany and LH Johnny in the NAB Open 1.20m with another 60 combinations. It was quite hot by the afternoon again as the sun popped out of the clouds. Johnny was perfect as usual and Tiffany gave him a fantastic ride to end up with a good solid clean round. They were 13th to go out of 16 horses, Tiffany said she had a plan and discussed her thoughts with her dad and off they went. One thing that really does sure up good results if one can get it and keep it is a forward collected pace with the horse being soft in your hands and drawing to the fence to get up over each obstacle. This is exactly what this pair did! They completed the round 3 seconds ahead of any body else to win the class. Smiles all round and lots of chatter afterwards and a truck sing and dance to celebrate. Johnny is really taking the step ups well , it looks like he is now very comfortable being stepped up the the 1.20m classes.

LH Johnny standing proudly with the rug and ribbon and Anne-Marie a NAB rep and judge Anne Garner

LH Johnny showing off his Horseland ears’standing proudly with the rug and ribbon and Anne-Marie a NAB rep and judge Anne Garner

Team Joyce have a break next weekend and start again in March at Shepparton which will host the Victorian Country Championships and Port Phillip Jump Club the week after that. So stay tuned for more updates.

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Sue Stewart from Stewarts Innovations
0408 101 124