Young horses are hard work

Tiffany has been bringing on 4yo LH Voleta. She is by our stallion Oaks Volta. She is doing a wonderful job helping us by coming home often to ride her everyday. Young horses are hard work with many ups and downs. Voleta has come along nicely and ready to start seeing the world. We drove in the float to Tonimbuk Freshmans last Friday night for her very first time away from home. This time we took the truck for something different.

Young horses are hard work but give huge rewards when they come forward

Voleta jumped in two rounds one at about 60cm & the other 70cm. She was very kind and willing even jumped higher over the little round water tray under the white fence. Have a look at the video below. Voleta posses Vivant , Darco & Argentinus blood.

LH Voleta will be for sale so if you are looking for a lovely mare to have some jumping fun on please contact Team Joyce. Here is her breeding.