Team Joyce went separate ways once more this weekend. Wes & Tiffany drove to Dandenong Agricultural Show with Oaks Volta & LH Johnny for some showjumping while Sarah and I went to the HRCAV TTT Dressage competition held at Gladysdale with LH Albert and LH Lily Puss. Will our wishes come true?
Could not get any better
There are many things to tell but I will try to be brief and to the point. This weekends results proved to be one Team Joyce will re visit for many years to come when having those family get together ‘s reminiscing back in the day. We do that a lot , bring out old photos and videos to recap back when.
- Our wonderful girls having a day out with the Lals Haven performance horses
- Wes getting Oaks Volta ready to load
- Oaks Volta eating his Barastoc Cool Command
We all met at the stable block early Saturday morning loaded Oaks Volta & LH Johnny on the truck for the hours drive to Dandenong. LH Albert and LH Lily Puss on the float leaving for the 2 hour trek across the hills. Sarah was volunteering at 9.30am, riding her first test at 3.15pm so the middle of the day gave us so much quality time to walk chat and enter the Bingo card prize.
One had to walk to all the stalls and ask for the card to be stamped to try win the Poly master horse hay hard feeder. On the way over we asked each other will our wishes come true?
Could we win that feeder ?
We had no expectations of results but hoped we could ride nice tests.
- Sarah volunteering for a little bit
- Loved catching up with my Auntie Julie who worked in the office
- Lil star loving her hay
- So many competitors over 3 days
- Great trade village
- Loved catching up with Fiona the Manager of the Lilydale Horseland store
- Look at all the Dressage arenas , 8 of them
Sarah completed her two tests with ease LH Albert behaved like a real gentlemen. We did not see any other combination in Level 1 with a snaffle bit that’s not to say there was not another because we did not see everyone. Most had double bridles.
Then I went on Lil Star and she to put her best hoof forward although I did make an error of course in the second test but finished fine. It was 5.45pm when I hoped off only to see a text from a lady saying I had won the Bingo raffle and could I collect the Polymaster feed bin.
Sarah and I had a dance around the float excited that we had won this fabulous prize.
The final results were posted about 6.30pm and to our amazement LH Lily Puss had placed 3rd and 1st to take out the TTT HRCAV Level 4 Jackpot. Speechless I could not say a word. Sarah just hugged me and we said wow – just wow!

LH Lily Puss stars again
Then results from the Level 1 appeared a bit later and Sarah and Albert placed 2nd and 4th to place 3rd overall in the TTT HRCAV Level 1 which was a massive feat to say the least. Again we danced and hugged each other. Presentations were made then we loaded the Lals Haven winners and drove out at 7.30pm arriving home at 11pm after stopping at Macca’s for a wrap of course.

Sarah and Albi delighted with the day
Tiffany was keeping me updated all day with pictures and video of how Wes was going with Oaks Volta. It was his very first Agi show experience with all the hype noise and action. Volta jumped amazing to win the Open 1.10m , Wes said his mind was on the job but not much action had started around the jumping arena and he felt this helped immensely.

Oaks Volta wins Open 1.10m our wishes come true
Tiffany and Wes both competed in the KWA Open 1.25m with great results. Tiffany placed 4th on LH Johnny jumping two clean rounds and Volta had a classic fly by which incurred 4 faults but jumped a clean round. Wes’s voice on the phone was full of elation about how Volta felt on course jumping these big fences. They made good solid yards and placed them both on the truck for the fireworks.

Oaks Volta was not getting out of his yard
The next day was to be Tiffany’s – she starred for Team Joyce. They took out 3rd prize in the main class which was the Open 1.30m again jumping two faultless rounds. But to top it off they also claimed 1st prize in the Open 1.15m. So all in all Team Joyce claimed so many accolades all weekend in Dressage and Showjumping. Sad to say things will change immensely in our family as Tiffany leaves home as she finished University and claimed a job in the big smoke.
- Tiffany & LH Johnny on course in the Open 1.30m
- LH Johnny jumps clean and fast
- LH Johnny looks in top condition due to Barastoc Cool Command
- LH Johnny dream horse takes the top prize
Remember when ‘ … it maybe the end of one part of our families chapter’ but ……
Dad and I remember when you were born and life changed
Our family is what we created it to be
30 seemed so old looking back it was just a stepping stone
to where we are where we been , dad and I would do it all again
when dad and I turned grey we knew the children would grow up and move away – but we wont be sad
dad and I are glad for all the life we have had
From us to you Tiffany your dream has finally come true