Another year over with two very happy Victorian showjumpers receiving half tonne Barastoc Calm Performer each for winning the Barastoc LH Showjumper Season award 2018-2019. As they say winners are grinners. Congratulations James Harvey riding Tyrone VDL winning the Male section on 42 points & Airlie Robinson Yallambis Corlandia winning not only the female section but OVERALL on 86 points.
Another showjumping season completed resulting in two very happy riders winners are grinners
Barastoc & Lals Haven would like to thank all the Victorian riders supporting such a wonderful competition. It is one way to provide an opportunity that is of no cost to the participants runs all season resulting in winning a massive prize for all the hard work and dedication during the year.
Airlie also receives a Barastoc LH embroidered jacket to wear proudly throughout the next showjumping seasons ahead – Huge congratulations Airlie
Just one more thing ‘ Airlie placed 1st & 2nd this year and also took out the title last year riding Mt Robinson’s Quintana Z. Two supa talented mounts.
A massive effort
James also placed 1st and 2nd his other mount named Patangas Hiccup. Congratulations James all credit to your drive and passion to succeed.