What a special day for Sarah and LH Albert today near her home at Bunyip Pony Club grounds. Before Sarah drove home from Wagga Wagga for her University holidays she entered the Dressage competition so Wes and I could go and watch her ride. We miss our moments together as they are becoming so rare as time goes by. LH Albert has really taken to this new world of Dressage and has excelled drastically in a very short time. Sarah has spent many hours riding him before or after class aiming to take themselves off competing some where.

Sarah and Wes taking off the bandages
We arrived after lunch to have a go at two tests. It was so muddy but no real heavy rain just a few light showers. We saddled and went for the gear check and warmed up with the other riders before being called over to do their first test. Watching the pair execute the movements was really enjoyable and Wes and I are so proud to stand back and think this is our little girl well actually our young lady. We were here in this same spot 12 years ago watching Sarah and Tiffany compete on ponies where has time gone? Here we are standing with glee in ore of how well Sarah rides and it thrills us to see how keen she is and how much enjoyment she gets from riding. Sarah even smiles while doing the test she just oozes happiness.
- Sarah and LH Albert in action
- Sarah and LH Albert in action
- Sarah and LH Albert in action
- Sarah and LH Albert in action
It was not long after that test that she was back in a different arena doing the second test. Again the pair just went round walk, trot and canter with a bit of extension here and there walking out on a loose rein smiles all round. We took out his plaits rugged him and stood him on the float to go back and read the results.
- Sarah and her grandad Joyce
- Sarah and her helper Joshua
So far they have entered into two competitions up at Wagga Wagga and placed first in all four tests so to come home and go out and win both tests again was a huge thrill and one that brought Sarah’s emotions to the surface. Not just because she had won but the pair were to recieve a navy woolen rug. Sarah was taken back when she was informed she had won the over all Champion and was asked to bring her Albi over for presentations.
- Thank you Horseland Warragul and Skye Park Rugs for sponsoring the Dressage day
- Sarah in shock with her results
- The winning pair
- What a way to end the day, did we really win a rug to?
We said goodbye to Sarah at the grounds and watched her drive away , Wes and I were to take Albi home and bring him up to Wagga next week. We chatted all the way home about how it was years ago and how it is today and how lucky we are as a family to still be able to enjoy a day out horsing around even in Dressage.
I must say personally that I am so honored to have witnessed for many years that Wes has always been able to produce such outstanding ponies and horses not only for himself but both his girls as well not just in the world of showjumping in all levels right up to the top but also in Show Riding, Pony Club, Games, Eventing and now Dressage what a wonderful father! What an amazing horseman .