What a show full of live action in every direction! Sale Agricultural show was fabulous it provided something for everyone, its amazing that over three days the hard working committee can cram in so many entertaining aspects on one oval. Team Joyce thought Maffra was a hive of action well Sale was that and a whole lot more. We arrived on the Thursday late afternoon and set up our four yards and unloaded LH King Arthur, LH Pugsly, LH Johnny and LH Adele. Tiffany was able to come with us in the truck which was a special occasion now days and Wes and I loved every bit! Oh lets not forget Milly she came along as well.

The parking camping area

The Beast

LH King Arthur in his yard, see the van next to us. Arthur introduced himself by dragging the green tarp and all their shoes into his yard!
On the Friday morning the sun was shinning it was a glorious show day and LH Johnny was the first cab off the rank and Tiffany was to ride him in the Maffra Authorised Newsagency 90cm, no more smaller heights for Johnny he was ready to have a real go. The class was a two phase so speed and a few tighter turns was to go towards the end of the course. The pair jumped so well and Tiffany was smiling on her way around the course and Johnny was no trouble at all. They cut some turns and went a tiny bit faster in the speed part but had the very last fence down. It was a very good start. The very next class was the Dianne Hanley Memorial 1.05m and Johnny was a little champion, the only sticky spot was in the A & B combination they drifted in after A and B was at the wing so they had to re-approach but jumped it super once straight. Wes then hopped on LH Adele she to was in this class and she was very wide eyed about all the rides and activity , the atmosphere was very good for her she needs to witness more than the plain old goings on at a normal jumping day. The warm up was a little tough for Wes as she drifted a lot in all directions at one stage but he managed to only have 2 rails in the ring.
Click to enlarge pictures
- LH Johnny ready to come of his yard
- LH Johnny waiting patiently for Tiffany
- Ok we are ready to go
- Coming from the parking area
- Tiffany and LH Johnny on the oval
- Tiffany and LH Johnny on the oval
- The jumping ring
- The practice ring
- Wes tightening the girth for Tiffany
- Tiffany and LH Johnny at the entrance of the ring
- Wide eyed Johnny took it all in his stride
- A lot of horses on the oval
- Our good frineds James, Sarah, Sophie and Tiffany
- Team Joyce horses relaxing in their yards
Wesley also rode two other horses in the Dianne Hanley Memorial 1.05m class for Ian & Pat Mouser the people who own Tonimbuk Equestrian Centre. Their names are Bolero de la Vie & Ulove B Z these are quality jumping horses they brought from the Zangersheide Stud as foals and are now 7 year old ready to go out and compete often. Their paddock names are Bolero and Lovey. Both horses jumped double clean Wes was just having a canter around , the hype did not seem to worry them to much either. The next class was the Wellington Livestock 1.15m and Wesley had another three rides in this class. LH Pugsly just had one rail, actually he just walked onto the oval no problems at all he did not seem to worry about all the action at all. Bolero jumped super again double clean and Lovey just had one rail.
- Bolero de la Vie Z and Wes
- Bolero de la Vie Z and Wes
- Ulove B Z and Wes
- Ulove B Z and Wes
I can confidently say Wes was feeling a bit tuckered out now as was Tiffany and myself because we had walked back and forwards from the truck to the ring 24 times……….a hot shower ,dinner and a chat sitting around waiting for the fire works was very pleasant indeed. We loaded all our horses onto the truck before the big bang started so no body was stressing about the safety of horses or handlers. Tiffany and I went for a show walk this is something we used to do as a family all the time and loved it so much. Team Joyce have for more many years enjoyed a little religious show tradition treat during the evening at the Agricultural shows . HOT JAM DONUTS ! We brought three hot jam donuts as a treat and enjoyed the Shetland race for entertainment before the fire works started.
- Fancy dress is always cute
- The tent pegging was very well attended
- The miniatures were so popular
- The measuring stand was very busy
- A pony being measured
- The winning $1000 carrot cake!
- Some great prizes on the Art Craft pavillion
- Light horseman on display
- A large crowd
- So many different things to see
- The showbags stand
- The bungy and balls were a real hit
- Just some of the rides
- Just some of the rides
After the fire works Team Joyce sat around waiting for Sarah to arrive from Wagga Wagga. Sarah had her last exam today and left at 4.30pm to meet us at the show. After a long hard drive she arrived at 11pm quite chatty about her experience . The Dargo forest was quite daunting she said and the narrow dirt road with the Tom Tom turning off and on no phone reception and not 100 % sure if she was going on the right roads caused a bit of nervous tension during her seven hour drive.
We were all up at the crack of dawn to see if Sarah felt she could manage a ride and then even go in the Farrugia Fencing & Earthworks 90cm on LH Adele. Sarah has not ridden since Euroa when she met us and rode LH Albert. She handled Adele extremely well, why we doubted it I do not know’ Sarah rides so well and always has. Over we went to warm up first to go and out they went and what a fabulous round only having two rails. What an achievement and the smile on her face nearly brought tears to our eyes.
- Sarah hopping on LH Adele
- Sarah drove 7hrs to ride LH Adele
- Sarah showing how she has not forgotten how much she loves jumping
Tiffany and LH Johnny also went in this Two phase class and jumped a lovely clean round. The next class was also sponsored by Farrugia Fencing & Earthworks and Johnny also had a go here and jumped clear again, not fast enough to make any placings and not really ready to go any faster. At last it was LH King Arthur’s turn to jump in the Calcimo Lime & Fertilisers Grand Prix and we can say with all the rides in full swing and the jinkers in competition the atmosphere certainly made him feel very zingy not naughty at all just excited. Wes and Arthur had the very first fence down but as for the rest of the course he did not lay a toe he jumped superb we were very pleased indeed. The last class of the day for Team Joyce was the Spring Park 1.15m and Wesley jumped Bolero de la Vie Z & Ulove B Z and again both of these horses shined and both were clean, Ulove did get one time fault so did not make the jump off but Bolero jumped a lovely clean round in the jump off but had one stop at a straight fence , he did not see it coming up at all after Wes trying quite a tight turn but on a re-approach jumped it fine. All done and dusted for Team Joyce, a great show a lot of fun and very tired. But there was more to come because after we filled up the Beast with diesel we noticed water coming out of the radiator. So we had to tilt the cab and fill it up with water and make a slow trek home hoping the temperature gauge stayed cool. Sarah and Tiffany drove ahead of us in Sarah’s car and were waiting at home in the stables with KFC! Wes and I were starving and so very pleased to make it all the way home . Now to get the truck fixed , will we get to Pakenham show on cup day?

The tilted cab on the Beast
Team Joyce are proudly sponsored by Barastoc ~ Horseland ~ The Joint Formula