Volta has lost two teeth! New ones have already come through.

Volta’s loose tooth

Volta’s new tooth
Volta is now back in work but only having light and easy work, the things that do not put him under any pressure. The constant handling of tacking up and riding around the sand arena walking, trotting and cantering with some circle work. Wes is making it very enjoyable and relaxing so he stays supple and loose through the back and neck. Volta’s topline is just breathe taking’ to say the least. The Barastoc & Ker feeding regimes offered during his constant growth spurts have proven to produce an ultimate body structure every week. Team Joyce have never watched a youngster grow as meticulously as we have watched Volta develop through out the months. Being able to alter his feed type to suit his work load and age has proven to bring the best results possible. Team Joyce look very forward to taking Volta out to his very first public appearance in December. It shall be the very first time he has been transported since his arrival 18 months ago. We are keen to see how he behaves out of his comfort zone, will he leave his manners at home? Here are some pictures of Tiffany and Volta training at home: Click to enlarge each picture
- Tiffany and Volta just happily trotting around the arena
- Volta’s first cross bar
- Volta’s second cross bar
- Volta loves to jump no matter how small the jump is
- Volta mid over straight fence
- Volta over a straight fence and we love his front action
- Volta’s back end
- Tiffany keeping warm with her Equestrian Life vest on and Volta relaxing
- Volta doing some trot poles
- Volta washed with his Manestay on
Volta’s measurements for November:
Mane was cut for exhibition in December, so decreased by 3cm ~ Tail increased by 3cm ~ Wither up by 1cm ~ Hind quaters up by 1cm so Volta is growing!!

Volta’s weight for November 477kg
Volta has lost weight because he is back in light work and he is going through a growth spurt he was 499kg back in September so he has lost 20kg over the two months. Luisa Wood is going to advise Team Joyce of his new feeding regime over summer.
Come and meet and greet our Oaks Volta on Saturday 6th December at the Tonimbuk Indoor Equestrian Center in the evening. Volta will be ridden under saddle on exhibition during the JUMPING HORSE BREEDERS & PRODUCERS SHOWCASE………….