Not ideal

I wanted to share this particular blog because surely I am not alone with how my day went on the weekend as it was not ideal. Some of you may have read past blogs ‘, stating that I have just started riding again after having a long break – over 20years. I have myself a lovely little 12 year old clydie cross mare named LH Lily Puss. Anyway it’s been a year since we got together and last month we ventured out to our first showjumping competition and on the weekend we went again. To read the whole story

It was so exciting for some good friends James & Sophie Elfick to stay in their new truck for the first time. Team Joyce remember the old days in the cattle truck – the 5 horse Dodge towing a caravan for living behind. We broke down often but those memories are good ones to share with others. We were able to bring up all the old days knowing how special this occasion was for them moving from a float to a truck. It was Conway’s truck so it has been to many shows and here it goes again making more good times for more horsey fanatics.


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