Team Joyce were so pleased to find a beautiful new home for home bred LH Clarissa. We had not really decided to pass her on but during the past 8 months we had been in close contact with the Rohner family. Cherie has been looking for a special unicorn ‘ horse for her daughter Lily. After searching far and wide and not finding something suitable Wes & I decided they could come over and have a ride on our beloved Clarissa.
- New home for LH Clarissa
Cherie & Lily fly over from Tasmania
Sarah had ridden her up at Elysian Fields in QLD back in March. She had a wonderful time jumping in many classes over the 2 weeks of the show. Clarissa is one of those lovely kind willing mares with the talent to do a bit of everything, She is a pretty young lady as well. Wes took her to Boneo Park last month to compete in the Open 1.10m and placed a credible 3rd.
She really does try her very best
So now Clarissa lives in Tasmania. She trekked over on the boat over 1 week ago. Cherie had her fully checked over by their vet as soon as she arrived making sure she was ok after sailing the seas. Lily rode her the very next day exposing her to the new surroundings. She took it all in her stride. She loved observing herself in the mirrors on the riding arena. The free range chickens introduced themselves by wandering into her paddock.
The pictures above of this new pair having a lesson. As you can see they are coming together nicely. It is early days but they are off to a great start. We look very forward to many more updates from Cherie & Lily. Team Joyce are always here to support you.