Team Joyce would like to welcome Emma DeSpirt to our list of people who own an Lals Haven horse/pony. His name is LH Prime Time and he was one of the Riding ponies we bred a few years ago. We used to breed a few riding ponies for Sarah and Tiffany to ride and enjoy in Pony club and the show ring.Both girls used to love show riding and it was another fun discipline to experience in the horse competition world. LH Prime Time also paddocked named “ROMEO ” is looking very happy in the pictures kindly sent to us by Emma. Team Joyce must say ,”Romeo does look rather spoilt and much loved by Emma.”
I asked 15 year old Emma to tell me about him now, she informed me that she has had for over a year and has put a lot of work into him. Emma obtained him on a free lease from Fiona .After the 12 months was up Fiona could see how much Emma and Romeo had formed a bond and generously decided not to take him back. Emma and Romeo attend Pony Club and dream of competing in the Royal shows like Geelong Royal and also the country show rings as well. It would be wonderful to do some One Day Events to. Emma said he is very quiet and very friendly.

Quote by Emma: After today I can now say I FULLY trust this horse with everything I have. He has given me the experience and confidence that I didn’t have and he is just a sweetheart. I had a great day with Cheyenne Steenhuis & Megan De Spirt 🙂 Thanks for the photos Lachlan Steenhuis & Lauren Stirling I love him so so so much and I never want to lose him. – bad position but chucking out an extension 😉 ? love you romeo. xox
Thank you Emma for sharing your story with us! Team Joyce wish you all the very best and hope all your plans for the future come true.

Quote by Emma: This is the sport I live for.. I’m glad I have horses. I wouldn’t swap them for anything. I love them with everything and that will never change.. ?