Guess Volta’s weight for July

Hello welcome to the “Guess Volta’s weight for July Competition”

Oaks Volta has been stabled and hard fed twice a day during the month of July. He is feeling very full of himself so on the nice days we have been letting him have a good run in his paddock. Yes he does run , kick up his heels and squeal with delight, but is always waiting at his gateway at the end of the day ready to come inside to his stable. He loves the stable life  it has not taken him long to become used to it. Take part in this months competition and have a guess of what you think his weight might be for the month of July.

Yes Volta has a rug on, stay tuned to read about rugging Volta for the first time.

Its easy, just write your guess in the comments box below and state your NAME , WEIGHT YOUR GUESS IN KG’s and wait and see. We shall let you know who the winner is on the 1st August. Only one guess per person and the earliest guess with the closest weight is the winner.So get in quick with your guess and if some-one else has picked your number go one number higher or lower! Some have guessed on his Facebook page at :

Prize for July's winner plus a Virbac showbag

Thank you to Oaks Volta’s Sponsors :

Barastoc-Pakenham Produce & Saddlery Store-RidersDiary-HorseWyse Magazine (Aus)-EFO-Learn About Horses Magazine (UK )

All guessers are locked in, will not be long now we cannot wait ourselves to see what Volta weighed for July, stay tuned!





  1. Tobi Mitchell on 28 July 2012 at 1:57 pm

    I am going to guess that Volta’s weight is 493kg’s 🙂

  2. anna muys on 28 July 2012 at 4:25 pm

    My gess is 520Kg love his new neck rug.

  3. Loveshorses266 on 28 July 2012 at 6:08 pm

    I think her weight is 503kg xxx

  4. Karan Richardson on 28 July 2012 at 6:11 pm

    My guess for Volta is 494kg

  5. Rhonda on 29 July 2012 at 9:37 am

    I think that Volta now weighs 498kg.
    Gosh he’s getting big now!